Saturday, February 28, 2009
Why does it always seem like whenever you really need to do something you don't have any money?! When there's something you want to do it always costs an arm and a leg....why, God why?! I am a senior in college and it is getting so expensive between graduation stuff, grad school applications, GRE registrations, internship applications and everything else. The state of the economy definitely doesn't make anything any easier lol. I know that I sound really whinny right now and I know that virtually everyone is feeling the crunch now but gosh, does everything have to cost so dang on much? Yes, it does because money makes the world go 'round...so they tell me.
Growing Up Before We're Old Enough
As I see more and more of my friends, people I went to school with, associates, and other young people with babies and pregnant, I wonder if we're really ready to be parents at such young ages. I know that a lot of our grandparents and great grandparents were married and had children as early as 16, 17, and 18. But you have to admit that times were way different then. They had so much more responsibilities and little opportunities. Mentally, they were older than their age. They already knew what it would be like to raise and support a family because they had already helped so much in the raising and supporting of the family they were born into, at least I know that is how it was for my grandparents and great grandparents. My great grand mom had 18 children and my grand mom and her other siblings worked odd jobs to bring in much needed extra money for the family and were responsible for caring for the younger siblings and keeping the home clean and running.
Nowadays, since most children don't grow that way anymore, I am hesitant to think anyone under 26 has the life experience and general knowledge necessary to raise a child. Certainly, teenagers have no business with a baby when they can barely care for themselves. I am sure by now a lot of you have heard of the 12 year old boy and 15 year old English kids that became parents to a baby girl in early February. When the now 13 year old Sean Stewart was asked how him and his 15 year old girlfriend Emma Webster were going to support their child financially, he had to ask the interviewer what do they mean by financially. After the reporter explained to him that financially meant money, he said that it would probably be their parents supporting the baby rather than him and Emma(obviously, since they have no jobs and are under the legal working age anyways), but he said he would be more than happy to use his 10 pounds of weekly allowance to help out a little. Oh, and 10 pounds is equivalent to about $20 U.S.
Even though those youngsters were pretty young, a little younger than your average teen parents (not by much though), their answer for who would be caring for their baby was all to common. A lot of young parents, teens and all the way up to early adults, still depend heavily on their parents financially. Over half of the people I know who are pregnant or have had children still live in their parents house with their parents helping them raise their children. Why would anyone have a child if they know that they can't support it themselves?! I think it all comes down to poor planning, lack of consideration for their parents and family, lack of respect for themselves, and disregard for the traditional family foundation. Grandparents should not have to support their grandchildren AND their grown ass kids. If you're old enough to get pregnant then you are old enough to work and support your own family. Not only are the young parents at a disadvantage but the baby is as well. A child growing up with their parents is not functional...at all. The child will grow up with misconceptions about family structure and parenting responsibility. They are also 30% more likely to repeat the mistakes of their parents.
What a does a person between the ages of 16-25 really know about parenting or life? Teens are still growing up themselves and haven't even begun to live life and young adults are just trying to get caring for themselves down to an art. I know that older parents make mistakes too but I hear of too many cases of child neglect and abuse where young parents were involved. Most of the time their famous line is, "I didn't know that...." "I thought that if I....." "I had no idea that it was against the law to...." "I thought the child would be okay if I just..." and on and on. Those type of comments say it all folks.
Nowadays, since most children don't grow that way anymore, I am hesitant to think anyone under 26 has the life experience and general knowledge necessary to raise a child. Certainly, teenagers have no business with a baby when they can barely care for themselves. I am sure by now a lot of you have heard of the 12 year old boy and 15 year old English kids that became parents to a baby girl in early February. When the now 13 year old Sean Stewart was asked how him and his 15 year old girlfriend Emma Webster were going to support their child financially, he had to ask the interviewer what do they mean by financially. After the reporter explained to him that financially meant money, he said that it would probably be their parents supporting the baby rather than him and Emma(obviously, since they have no jobs and are under the legal working age anyways), but he said he would be more than happy to use his 10 pounds of weekly allowance to help out a little. Oh, and 10 pounds is equivalent to about $20 U.S.
Even though those youngsters were pretty young, a little younger than your average teen parents (not by much though), their answer for who would be caring for their baby was all to common. A lot of young parents, teens and all the way up to early adults, still depend heavily on their parents financially. Over half of the people I know who are pregnant or have had children still live in their parents house with their parents helping them raise their children. Why would anyone have a child if they know that they can't support it themselves?! I think it all comes down to poor planning, lack of consideration for their parents and family, lack of respect for themselves, and disregard for the traditional family foundation. Grandparents should not have to support their grandchildren AND their grown ass kids. If you're old enough to get pregnant then you are old enough to work and support your own family. Not only are the young parents at a disadvantage but the baby is as well. A child growing up with their parents is not functional...at all. The child will grow up with misconceptions about family structure and parenting responsibility. They are also 30% more likely to repeat the mistakes of their parents.
What a does a person between the ages of 16-25 really know about parenting or life? Teens are still growing up themselves and haven't even begun to live life and young adults are just trying to get caring for themselves down to an art. I know that older parents make mistakes too but I hear of too many cases of child neglect and abuse where young parents were involved. Most of the time their famous line is, "I didn't know that...." "I thought that if I....." "I had no idea that it was against the law to...." "I thought the child would be okay if I just..." and on and on. Those type of comments say it all folks.
Throughout my life, I have had to deal with some real bitches. I only have three girlfriends that I really consider friends and one is really more like a sister. I love her because she has always been honest with me and never tried to use and abuse me. Beatrice is exactly what a friend should be, and Monica and Keonica are just as good. Every other bitch I have met has proved to be just that...a worthless bitch. I personally don't know why I always seemed to get screwed in these little 'girl & girl friendships.' I am a kind person who is mild mannered and would do anything to help a person in need. I am not the jealous type. Whenever my friends have something exciting, good, or wonderful happen in their lives happen, I am right there to cheer them on and say good job and be happy for them. I don't talk behind my friends' backs or lie to their faces. I am always honest, upfront, and treat them the way I would want to be treated. That is how I am with everyone in my life and people I meet. I am honest and fair with people, no matter if you're my mother, sister, friend, boyfriend, professor, employer, associate, someone I just met five fucking minutes ago, or my freaking trash man! I treat everyone like a human beings should be treated: with respect, dignity, honest, and as an equal.
So tell me why not everyone follows these simple rules for relationships! Why did my best friend of nearly 6 years try to frame me for drug possession and underage alcohol possession our senior year in high school? Why did my other then best friend call me a nigger? Why did I go to a bachelorette party with about 15 of my so-called friends and one of these little sluts degrade me while the others sat back and did nothing...and then later went on as if nothing happened? Why did Tami Tsunami call me an ignorant bitch, make fun of my heritage, and then make up horrible lies to tell everyone? Well ladies and gentlemen, I have come to the conclusion that jealousy and ignorance reins supreme in the minds of most females.
I think druggie bitch number one was jealous because I was going to college on a full scholarship and she wasn't because she whored around and partied all through school instead of getting her lesson so now I am getting ready to graduate from college with a 3.5 GPA and she is still in smelly ass Lake County working an equally smelly dead end job...and has been arrested for numerous drug charges. She is white trash if ever someone was white trash and she had the audacity to call me a nigger and threaten to burn a cross in my front yard...real nice. Bitch number 2, or who I like to call the drunken, sunken guidette, was jealous of me because I went to college on full scholarship AND people liked me when everyone hated her and I was her only friend...awwwww. Maybe if you weren't such a stuck up, lying, triffling hoe, people would enjoy your company a lot more. I hope you are having fun with all your other plastic little sorority chickie d's up at FSU because when you get back to the L.C. (they always come back for some reason ), you can enjoy the same fake, empty, plastic life that your racist soccer mom mother enjoys. And tramp number three (Tami Tsunami), was jealous of me because I don't have a boyfriend who drinks and verbally abuses me that I happened to have had a baby for. I don't whore around, and I have a college degree in political science...not my own made up credentials. So now she too is back in the L.C. (along with her fiance and 3 month old baby) living with her parents in their house and is now going to school for face painting...nice. I now see why Kurt Cobain said a friend is nothing but a known enemy. Oh, and once I found out their true colors...I did bite back...hard. I am a sweetheart by nature but don't ever mistake my kindness for weakness...ever=-)
So, the moral of the story is: Don't be fooled by girls' seemingly sweet, caring, and authentic exterior, because chances are they are just trying to get close enough to you to try to destroy you. True story.
So tell me why not everyone follows these simple rules for relationships! Why did my best friend of nearly 6 years try to frame me for drug possession and underage alcohol possession our senior year in high school? Why did my other then best friend call me a nigger? Why did I go to a bachelorette party with about 15 of my so-called friends and one of these little sluts degrade me while the others sat back and did nothing...and then later went on as if nothing happened? Why did Tami Tsunami call me an ignorant bitch, make fun of my heritage, and then make up horrible lies to tell everyone? Well ladies and gentlemen, I have come to the conclusion that jealousy and ignorance reins supreme in the minds of most females.
I think druggie bitch number one was jealous because I was going to college on a full scholarship and she wasn't because she whored around and partied all through school instead of getting her lesson so now I am getting ready to graduate from college with a 3.5 GPA and she is still in smelly ass Lake County working an equally smelly dead end job...and has been arrested for numerous drug charges. She is white trash if ever someone was white trash and she had the audacity to call me a nigger and threaten to burn a cross in my front yard...real nice. Bitch number 2, or who I like to call the drunken, sunken guidette, was jealous of me because I went to college on full scholarship AND people liked me when everyone hated her and I was her only friend...awwwww. Maybe if you weren't such a stuck up, lying, triffling hoe, people would enjoy your company a lot more. I hope you are having fun with all your other plastic little sorority chickie d's up at FSU because when you get back to the L.C. (they always come back for some reason ), you can enjoy the same fake, empty, plastic life that your racist soccer mom mother enjoys. And tramp number three (Tami Tsunami), was jealous of me because I don't have a boyfriend who drinks and verbally abuses me that I happened to have had a baby for. I don't whore around, and I have a college degree in political science...not my own made up credentials. So now she too is back in the L.C. (along with her fiance and 3 month old baby) living with her parents in their house and is now going to school for face painting...nice. I now see why Kurt Cobain said a friend is nothing but a known enemy. Oh, and once I found out their true colors...I did bite back...hard. I am a sweetheart by nature but don't ever mistake my kindness for weakness...ever=-)
So, the moral of the story is: Don't be fooled by girls' seemingly sweet, caring, and authentic exterior, because chances are they are just trying to get close enough to you to try to destroy you. True story.
Women, when we should be sticking together, always seem to feel the need to betray each other over the slightest of things. - Mary Beth
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