Bowing to Republican pressure and an uneasy public, President Barack Obama's administration signaled today that it is ready to abandon the idea of giving Americans the option of government-run insurance as part of a new health care system reform.
Who the hell wouldn't want socialized healthcare? Why is making a public option for healthcare so bad in the eyes of Conservatives???! The reason is because most of them are ignorant and only do what corporations and the rich Repubs. on Capitol Hill tell them to do. They research nothing themselves. Their sources of information are people like Bill O'Reilly (who recently said that allowing gay marriage would lead to marriage between humans and turtles. Yeah.) and Ann Coulter (who said that racism and racial profiling doesn't exist because 8 BILLION traffic studies proved it.)
Conservatives idolize people like these along with Sarah Palin because they allow them to continue to believe that their deepest fears and beliefs are valid. (By the way, Sarah Palin advocated for 'death panels' when she was mayor of Wasilla, but has done an astonishing 360 degrees since Obama's healthcare plan has started to come into play. By the way, Obama's healthcare plan would do nothing to promote or create the dreaded 'death panels.' It's just a silly rumor put out in the public to try to discredit the Obama Administration's efforts.)
Republican/Conservative is synonymous with some type of bigotry. Racism, homophobia, xenophobia, sexism, ageism, classism, ethnocentrism, sizism, religious intolerance, etc.; Conservatives exhibit one or more of these traits. They like to think this way because they don't want to know the truth. Not paying attention to facts is what allows them to continue to live in their fantasy world where they are the "perfect" beings.
What I find to be the most ironic about the stance of Conservatives on healthcare reform is that those who are opposing it the hardest, are actually the ones who would benefit the most from it. All these big and loud protest at town hall meetings and outside Democratic politician offices are just plain stupidity. It's obvious that these people have been put up to this by their Republican politicians in D.C. and on the state level. They believe everything that is force fed to them by greedy capitalistic companies, and lying Republicans in Congress who are seeking recognition from helping to defeat the first Black President's major domestic policy goal.
Most of the ones protesting against healthcare reform are the ones who fear that they will lose the little piece of shit coverage they have with Medicare and Medicaid (it's weird how Conservatives claim to hate ALL form of social welfare until you threaten to take it away...they are the ones who use it the most!).
First off, I didn't see anyone protesting against Obama when he signed the first part of the healthcare reform that forces pharmaceutical companies and healthcare providers to help close the doughnut hole in seniors' Medicare Part D over the next decade. The new reform would automatically close that gap!! It's a no-brainer. Medicaid and Medicare are practically bankrupt as it is. Why do you think that they force you to play $4,700 of your own money before they will cover you??!
The reform would just give people who have jobs that don't offer healthcare coverage an option to get it. 43 million people in this country don't have health insurance. That is a social problem because it contributes to high mortality rates and the spreading of infectious diseases. Private providers wouldn't be shut down or run out of town, because the plan would put public and private providers on the same page as far as coverage for price. The Government would not
make anyone take the public plan either. A person can choose to keep the same doctors and insurer they have always had if they so choose to.
Most of the people who they interview at the anti-healthcare reform rallies look like they stepped right off the cover of
Uneducated Trailer Trash Today in the U.S.A. It's obvious they have just taken the rumor mill and run with it. What makes me so mad is that they don't even try to learn the facts. They are extremely irrational on ALL levels. Not to mention that our President is Black, so that is even more of a reason for them to oppose him. They are really wrecking a good thing for America and society for all the wrong reasons. There is NO logical reason to be against this reform. EVERYONE will benefit no matter what class, sex, religion, race, etc.
Well, look at how Conservatives feel about gun control. They wreck a good thing everytime they oppose stricter laws on gun purchasing and ownership. There is irony at work again: it's their children who get shot and blown up at schools and shopping malls because of the lack of gun control, but yet they claim they want safe schools while still continuing to support lenient gun laws. I swear, being a Conservative is like being a walking contradiction; and is all they're walking on is broken glass.