What quote or words do you live by? What phrase inspires you to be the best you can be? What is your personal motto? The dictionary defines motto as a brief statement used to express a principle, goal, or ideal. That's also true, but a personal motto is more commonly defined as a saying that sums up someone's beliefs, outlook on life, or their purpose for living.
Do you have one? If you do, then great for you! When a person has a personal motto it is a good sign that they know what drives them and who they are. Developing a personal motto forces a person to look deep into themselves in order to evaluate what is important to them. Once a person chooses a motto to live by they are a lot closer to knowing what they want out of life and what makes them tick.
My personal motto is "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." This is a very famous quote by Mahatma Gandhi. It really sums up my belief on why I was put on this Earth. I was put here by God to make a positive difference on this planet. I always think of this phrase to make sure my daily conduct lines up with it. I would like to see people be kinder to one another, stand up to those who do wrong, and get involved in charity.
So these are the things that I do. I am kind to people, I call people on their wrongs and try to show them why they are wrong (although they don't always listen) to hopefully inspire them to make a positive change, and I volunteer my time to charities devoted to animals and needy families.
If you don't have a personal motto you live by, I strongly suggest that you start developing one. Reading philosophical and religious works, studying Latin sayings, and listening to positive music will help get you on your way to finding that one phrase that sums up your view of the world. Choose it carefully and thoughtfully. Once you have it, follow it as closely as you can.
1 comment:
I like that! I want to go find one now! :)
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