These are five things that really grind my gears (term borrowed from Family Guy), and I wish people would get the message on.
1.) I wish people with those stupid McCain/Palin stickers on their cars would take them off already. They look like idiots. Did you not get the message that they lost??! Obama is president for the next four years at least, so get over it and quit living in the past. I live in Florida so I see these stickers and buttons quite often. Obama took FL in the election by the way, but it is still the South. Well, I guess I can't expect too much here since some Southerners are apparently still devastated over the Confederate losing the Civil War; as evident by the number of rebel flags and plates I see while driving down the road. Sawrry baby, but you lost again. :)
2.) I wish girls would quit wearing those super thin AE and AERO graphic screen tee shirts that you can see right through. You can tell what color and design their bra is the shirt is so thin. The chicks look so trashy in them.
3.) Spandex doesn't look good on anyone-period. No matter what size, shape, color, make, model, year you are... just stay away from it. Simple as that.
4.) I wish people would stop depending on Fox (Faux ) News for their political information. Their representation of current events and information is skewed and purposely misleading at best. They represent irresponsible journalism and bias/prejudice reporting to the T. That's why only Republicans watch it.
5.) I hate how no one seems to have manners anymore. I think it's horrible that people showing such common courtesy like saying please and thank you, or holding the door open for someone like 2 inches behind them, has become a rarity in this day in age. The other day I was in the grocery store line and this middle aged woman decides that instead of saying "Excuse me, may I please get through," she would just slide all up on me, and try to squeeze her way through literally a 5 inch space between me and a display case of meat.
Her back totally hugged my stomach and she just pretended like it didn't happen! I was thinking, "I know now that she's so obviously touched me she's going to say sorry now at least." NOPE. Was everyone raised in a dang barn?? I stood there for a couple of minutes totally stunned. I just watched the lady walk down the isle and turn the corner. She didn't even care! I think that people should have to take mandatory etiquette classes to get a driver's license or something, because peoples' lack of consideration for others has gotten way out of hand in this society.
Must agree on that courtesy issue. It seems people forgot all about poor old manners. BUT I do take offense to being raised in the barn issue! I believe the animals raised in them have good manners!
I must say i do agree like most normal people would, ... except if you watch fox news (lol). But i would say i disagree with number 2 Great points .... interesting thoughts
Extending on #2. I've thought of two things: Is panty lines fashionable? and Why is everything girls are wearing these days to damn tight, can they breath in these things?
#4: Face the new world order and reality.
Ugh!! I do agree with that! That grossed me out, "her back totally hugged my stomach..." Just the other day I had a customer yell at me to help her when I was already in the middle of helping another customer! I think people today have to courtesy or common sense!
And I agree with spandex...even in the '80's it wasn't cool! And I can't drive down the street without seeing McCain/Palin signs on the lawn!! WTF! IT'S OVER...THEY DIDN'T WIN! Stop's over.
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