Don Imus has stage 2 Prostate Cancer. On March 16, the 68-year-old Imus told his listeners that he believes that it was all the stress that has caused this. It is in fact true that too much stress can be bad for your body in many ways, numerous studies show this and no doctor or psychologist would ever deny that. For example, research shows that women who believe that their lives are stressful, appear to be more susceptible to the cancer-causing virus. That information alone is scary enough, but in regards to prostate cancer, more than 186,000 new cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed each year in America. It's the second leading cause of death for men in America (with approximately 30,000 men dying from it every year). The silver lining in the dark cloud is that if it is detected early enough it is treatable.
However, the real reason behind why I am writing this is blog is because I was pretty upset and shocked to hear some people say that Imus 'deserves' this, and there were even some people that went as far as to say that they are glad this happened to him. I personally am mortified to hear anyone talk like that. No matter what you feel a person has done or said wrong, you have no right to wish any harm on anyone or rejoice at others' misfortunes or downfalls. In a nation where over 553,000 people die of cancers a year, I expected people to show more compassion concerning this issue. I have had loved ones who have battled cancer, as well as loved ones who have loss their battle with it. Most Americans do know someone who has died from cancer. Cancer is horrible and even when you beat it still leaves emotional and physical scars. That is why it was so hard for me to hear these comments.
I guess some people felt that it was okay to say these horrible words because we all know that Don Imus has been in radio for over 30 years saying things that at best are considered controversial. He's a shock jock, that's what he does. He's like Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh (who some even speculate is working for the Democratic Party because of how bad he hurts the Republican image), and so many others. I take nothing they say seriously so I am not offended by them at all. If you let anything these people say get to you then you really don't understand much about the media, radio personalities, or real politics. The only people ever influenced by these people are ignorant, redneck, back people who are messed up anyways.
With that being said, no one should ever say that to see someone suffering is a good thing. I don't care what you believe about karma or whatever. Words like that are extremely harsh, hurtful, and uncalled for. The people who said this about Imus are 100x lower than animals in my opinion. Even animals are able to show compassion and sympathy for other animals' sufferings.
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