Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rocket Science My ASS

So I read up on a new loop hole in a bill that could possibly result in the extension of the space program past 2010. I am not going to bore you half to death with all the political and bullshit jargon of it, but if it passes then it will create a new avenue to give even more federal money to the program to keep it going past its supposed retirement date of November 2010. I got so pissed when I read this. The simple fact is that space exploration (exploring what I don't know because there is nothing out there worth any value to us humanoids back here on Earth. Just lots of space, space rocks, dust, moons, black holes, and planets not suited to sustain life) program costs America more than $10 billion a year. That is about as much as we spend in Iraq in a month, but still that is money that can go towards more important things, like improving the quality of life on this planet. Spend that money on education, health care, the environment, build better roads, anything but space. Name one way that seeing space and the program has done to help anyone; go on, name one way it has been helpful or contributed anyting to society. I'll give you a few lines worth of time to think............................................................................................ Hint: that's why it's called space; there is nothing but wide open space out there. It seems that man always has to try to know everything, explain everything, see everything and do everything. I think that people at NASA think that if they keep at it they will discover heaven or something. Their like the people from the Bible story of the Tower of Babel. Pride leads us down a road where we think we can do absolutely anything and become greater and more skilled than God. It's like we believe everything in the universe is our for the taking. Newsflash: it doesn't work that way. I really hope the Obama Administration stepsup and puts an end to the program once and for all.

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