Friday, July 31, 2009
I'm Moving to D.C. Baby!
I got the job on Capitol Hill!!!! I am so so excited! Come September 8, I will be working in the highly coveted (it really is. I beat out several other applicants) position of paid intern at THE FINANCIAL SERVICES ROUNDTABLE (visit them at www.fsround.org). They are one of the largest lobbying firms in the country. They represent banks and mortgage companies overseas and in the U.S. I get to sit in on meetings with the U.S. Senate and House. I also get to go to the White House occasionally. I am going to be putting my writing skills to good use in this job too. I will have to write up reports and summaries of what went on in the meetings I attend so that the company can put it up on their website, and in pamphlets for their clients and the whole world to read about! I am so thankful to God for this opportunity! Blessings come to those who are faithful and plan for their future.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Bridezilla=Delusional Bitch Bride from Hell
I really hate that show Bridezillas that comes on WE. It is so crazy how those women behave. I can't believe any guy would want to marry a woman after seeing her behave like a 5 year old by throwing a tantrum in the dress fitting shop, or cursing out a wedding planner. The women on there, or girls really, behave like animals, or someone who just escaped from an insane asylum. They treat their wedding party, fiance, friends, and family like crap during the whole episode; and then magically on their wedding day all is forgiven and they get to ride off into the sunset on a white steed and live happily ever after. *Gabby rolls eyes here*
That show gives young girls the wrong idea about what is the most important part of a wedding ceremony. Most girls and women seem to have this dream (it's more like an illusion) of having a huge, fit for a Queen, "perfect" wedding. That is NOT how it goes. 1.) There is no such thing as the "perfect" anything. 2.) A wedding ceremony is about two people coming together to make a sacred commitment to each other. It is not about "ballin out" and showing off. A wedding day is SUPPOSED to be about a person and their partner being joined together for life, not about having Swarovski crystal center pieces or an ice skating rink in the middle of your reception hall. 3.) People should focus less on that one day and more on their life afterwards.
I wish they had a follow up series with these couples a year or two later so we can see how they're doing. It could be called Bridezilla: How I'm Living Since I Went 40 Grand in Debt. I bet it sucks to wake up the next day after all the excitement and "hooplah" is over and have a mountain of debt with no friends left. The average marriage in the U.S. lasts 4 years. Why would anyone accumulate debt for one day of celebration when the bill has a 63% chance of outliving the marriage?
That show gives young girls the wrong idea about what is the most important part of a wedding ceremony. Most girls and women seem to have this dream (it's more like an illusion) of having a huge, fit for a Queen, "perfect" wedding. That is NOT how it goes. 1.) There is no such thing as the "perfect" anything. 2.) A wedding ceremony is about two people coming together to make a sacred commitment to each other. It is not about "ballin out" and showing off. A wedding day is SUPPOSED to be about a person and their partner being joined together for life, not about having Swarovski crystal center pieces or an ice skating rink in the middle of your reception hall. 3.) People should focus less on that one day and more on their life afterwards.
I wish they had a follow up series with these couples a year or two later so we can see how they're doing. It could be called Bridezilla: How I'm Living Since I Went 40 Grand in Debt. I bet it sucks to wake up the next day after all the excitement and "hooplah" is over and have a mountain of debt with no friends left. The average marriage in the U.S. lasts 4 years. Why would anyone accumulate debt for one day of celebration when the bill has a 63% chance of outliving the marriage?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
We've decided to Progress only to Digress
Up writing late because I have a headache (probably from stress). I just took my meds so hopefully those will help. Anyways, so my bestie can't stay at my house due to family issues, but thankfully she is still coming to Daytona for her vacation, so I can at least spend some time with her. My dad is still an ass, I am still waiting to see if I have to take out a loan to go to D.C. or is the internship going to pay for itself, I still wonder why I have to deal with all this, I wish I had a better support system, and I really need a sign from up above about what direction to take in my life. On a high note, dinner was exceptionally good tonight. We had boiled chicken, cornbread, green beans, and baked mac n cheese. I also got my newest MJ shirt in the mail today. I took a few new pics of myself wearing it along with my super cute pink and purple African Opal earrings. I needed a new Twitter pic.
In other news,
I wrote a letter in support of the Michael Jackson Resolution to Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. I mailed it off last week.
Speaking of Michael Jackson, the LAPD police have now publicly confirmed that MJ's private doctor, Dr. Conrad Murray, is being investigated for the crime of manslaughter for his role in the death of Jackson. The coroner found lethal levels of the powerful anesthetic Propofol/Diprivin in Jackson's system. The raid of Murray's Houston office turned up the drug. The drug was also found in Jackson's home. Murray has now fled from California. His lawyers believe he may be overseas.
I figured that Murray killed Jackson the first time he went MIA right after MJ died. A person who has nothing to hide wouldn't go missing. They would make themselves available for questioning immediately after the incident, not almost 24 hours later. That's was what made it obvious he was involved. He's a spineless, gutless, heartless murderer.
Oh, and Murray was also on suspension from the hospital where he worked at for ethic violations. No surprise there. I have a feeling that after Jackson's official toxicology report is made public there will be a lot more so called doctors (aka drug pushers with a degree) going down. Just because a patient offers a doctor a lot of money, it doesn't give the doctor the right to ignore the Hippocratic oath.
Moving On,
I am so sick of CNN talking about the Cambridge cop situation and the President's remarks. What the President did was no big deal. He just said they acted stupidly, which if you have read the police report, then you know that's true. The media and Republicans are just looking for anything to bag on Obama about. It's really pathetic. Well, I guess Lydon B. Johnson said it best, "Being President is like being a jackass in a hailstorm. There's nothing to do but to stand there and take it." People will portray you as an ass (Johnson was also a Democrat-the logo) at the littlest things, and make a big shit storm out of a little rain.
We also found out that the police lied today when they said that the female caller didn't identify the race of the men. She clearly made a reference to race on the 911 tape. "Um, well, there were two larger men. One looked kind of Hispanic, but I'm not really sure. And the other one entered and I didn't see what he looked like at all."
Whalen (the caller) saw "two black men with backpacks," entering the home and assumed they were breaking in. You know what they say about assuming, "Don't assume anything because then you make an ass out of us both." Her prejudices led her to assume that these "two Black men" were taking part in a criminal act, and she turned out to be totally wrong. She is partly to blame for this big mess. Her ass needs to come to the White House and explain herself.
Thanks to speaking with her, the police already had preconceived notions about what they were going to encounter. Sgt. Crowley knew that Gates was Black before entering the home which he had previously denied before the 911 tape surfaced. Anyways, Gates and the arresting police officer (Sgt. James Crowley) are supposed to meet with the President this Thursday for a beer to talk this whole situation over.
Something that happened recently that I thought was kinda funny was that someone left a couple of little picket signs on Gates' lawn calling HIM a racist. I laughed so hard. I can tell this was someone with no education because technically speaking (ask any scholar), Blacks and Hispanics can't be "racist." They can be prejudice. Prejudice is any judgment or opinion formed before the facts are known. In most cases, these opinions are founded on suspicion, intolerance, and the irrational hatred of other races, religions, creeds, or nationalities.
Racism is like prejudice with teeth if you will. It's taking your preconceived notions to another level and actually doing harm to another group, person, based on those thoughts. Personally-mediated, institutionalized, and internalized racism. The Cambridge cop and Ph.D. professor situation is an example of personally-mediated racism. This type of racism is characterized by differentiated assumptions about the abilities, motives, and intents of others according to race. Prejudice and discrimination fall into this category of racism.
Racism is only referred to as racism if it is inflicted by a member of the dominant culture onto a subordinate member of society. In other words, a group of people have to be in power to be considered racists. Since African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, Muslims, etc are the minorities in America, it is inaccurate to refer to them as "racists."
In other news,
I wrote a letter in support of the Michael Jackson Resolution to Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. I mailed it off last week.
Speaking of Michael Jackson, the LAPD police have now publicly confirmed that MJ's private doctor, Dr. Conrad Murray, is being investigated for the crime of manslaughter for his role in the death of Jackson. The coroner found lethal levels of the powerful anesthetic Propofol/Diprivin in Jackson's system. The raid of Murray's Houston office turned up the drug. The drug was also found in Jackson's home. Murray has now fled from California. His lawyers believe he may be overseas.
I figured that Murray killed Jackson the first time he went MIA right after MJ died. A person who has nothing to hide wouldn't go missing. They would make themselves available for questioning immediately after the incident, not almost 24 hours later. That's was what made it obvious he was involved. He's a spineless, gutless, heartless murderer.
Oh, and Murray was also on suspension from the hospital where he worked at for ethic violations. No surprise there. I have a feeling that after Jackson's official toxicology report is made public there will be a lot more so called doctors (aka drug pushers with a degree) going down. Just because a patient offers a doctor a lot of money, it doesn't give the doctor the right to ignore the Hippocratic oath.
Moving On,
I am so sick of CNN talking about the Cambridge cop situation and the President's remarks. What the President did was no big deal. He just said they acted stupidly, which if you have read the police report, then you know that's true. The media and Republicans are just looking for anything to bag on Obama about. It's really pathetic. Well, I guess Lydon B. Johnson said it best, "Being President is like being a jackass in a hailstorm. There's nothing to do but to stand there and take it." People will portray you as an ass (Johnson was also a Democrat-the logo) at the littlest things, and make a big shit storm out of a little rain.
We also found out that the police lied today when they said that the female caller didn't identify the race of the men. She clearly made a reference to race on the 911 tape. "Um, well, there were two larger men. One looked kind of Hispanic, but I'm not really sure. And the other one entered and I didn't see what he looked like at all."
Whalen (the caller) saw "two black men with backpacks," entering the home and assumed they were breaking in. You know what they say about assuming, "Don't assume anything because then you make an ass out of us both." Her prejudices led her to assume that these "two Black men" were taking part in a criminal act, and she turned out to be totally wrong. She is partly to blame for this big mess. Her ass needs to come to the White House and explain herself.
Thanks to speaking with her, the police already had preconceived notions about what they were going to encounter. Sgt. Crowley knew that Gates was Black before entering the home which he had previously denied before the 911 tape surfaced. Anyways, Gates and the arresting police officer (Sgt. James Crowley) are supposed to meet with the President this Thursday for a beer to talk this whole situation over.
Something that happened recently that I thought was kinda funny was that someone left a couple of little picket signs on Gates' lawn calling HIM a racist. I laughed so hard. I can tell this was someone with no education because technically speaking (ask any scholar), Blacks and Hispanics can't be "racist." They can be prejudice. Prejudice is any judgment or opinion formed before the facts are known. In most cases, these opinions are founded on suspicion, intolerance, and the irrational hatred of other races, religions, creeds, or nationalities.
Racism is like prejudice with teeth if you will. It's taking your preconceived notions to another level and actually doing harm to another group, person, based on those thoughts. Personally-mediated, institutionalized, and internalized racism. The Cambridge cop and Ph.D. professor situation is an example of personally-mediated racism. This type of racism is characterized by differentiated assumptions about the abilities, motives, and intents of others according to race. Prejudice and discrimination fall into this category of racism.
Racism is only referred to as racism if it is inflicted by a member of the dominant culture onto a subordinate member of society. In other words, a group of people have to be in power to be considered racists. Since African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, Muslims, etc are the minorities in America, it is inaccurate to refer to them as "racists."
Sunday, July 26, 2009
CNN Celebrity
Last night during Don Lemon and his panelists' very frank discussion on race relations in the United States (an issue bought up by the Cambridge Cop and Harvard Professor situation &Black In American 2 ), one of my Twitter tweets on the subject was aired and read on live TV!! I was so psyched! My face and my response was on TV lol. I look even hotter on TV;) Anyways, afterwards I got some weird @ reply from some prejudice bastard calling Gates a crackhead and saying the cop had every right to arrest him. Yeah, his reply only further proved my point about racism in America. I just wanted to share. I'm weighing in again on the subject tonight. Maybe I'll get a second chance to be CNN famous;)
Friday, July 24, 2009
If One Of Us Is Chained...
At the recent centennial celebration of the NAACP's founding and courageous achievements, President Barack Obama challenged the nation's oldest civil rights group to continue pushing in the direction of eradicating the "prejudice, bigotry, and discrimination" that still blight America.
Some of the most passionate and influential supporters of full equality for gay Americans include such civil rights titans as NAACP Chairman Julian Bond, and Congressman John Lewis of Georgia. Bartlett, deputy director of the gay National Black Justice Coalition as well as a member of the NAACP, joined the President in urging the NAACP board of governors to pass supportive resolutions. "The LGBT community needs you. Black LGBT people need you," he stressed.
Bartlett is absolutely correct. Even today, Black members of the LGBT community are still shunned by the African American Community as a whole. It's sad but "gayness" is often viewed as a "White boy thing." Bartlett stated that "LGBT issues still are seen as different, and that supporting them is supporting white LGBT people rather than black LGBT people." This is a total misconception that needs to be changed. According to a 1998 national survey conducted by Time and CNN, more Hispanics find homosexuality acceptable than Blacks do.
That survey showed that only 21% of African Americans think that same sex marriage should be legal, while 36% said that it should be legal. 56% of Hispanics find the homosexual lifestyle acceptable as opposed to 44% of African Americans. Judging by the fact that more than 70% of African Americans backed Prop.8, I don't think too much has changed since then sadly. More than half of Latino voters supported Proposition 8.
That is pretty hypocritical considering what Blacks and Hispanics have gone through and continue to go through in regards to discrimination and racism. Shame on us! The saying goes that if one of us is chained, then none of us is free. That is so true. America can't claim to be the land of the free until EVERY America has equal liberties.
Some LGBT Good news:
1.) Gay rights groups' attempt to intervene in a federal challenge of California's Proposition 8.
2.)Two Valley Episcopal priests expressed support for last week's decision by the national church not to stand in the way of the ordination of openly gay clergy. This is in Virginia by the way. In 2003, the Episcopal Church approved the ordination of V. Gene Robinson, the denomination's first openly gay bishop.
"The pain of discrimination is still felt in America. By African American womenPresident Obama is not only the nation's first Black President, but he is the first U.S. President to put the struggles of the LGBT community under the umbrella of civil rights. This is so important because now it places political legitimacy on the fight of the LGBT community. That says that to deny their rights is to trample on the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. All of these landmark documents say that all men are created equal and promised freedom of liberties, but yet, the LGBT community is still being legally discriminated against in may ways. That is a damn shame and is unacceptable!
paid less for doing the same work as colleagues of a different color and a
different gender. By Latinos made to feel unwelcome in their own country. By
Muslim Americans viewed with suspicion simply because they kneel down to pray to
their God. By our gay brothers and sisters, still taunted, still attacked, still
denied their rights...Discrimination cannot stand -- not on account of color or
gender; how you worship or who you love. Prejudice has no place in the United
States of America."
Some of the most passionate and influential supporters of full equality for gay Americans include such civil rights titans as NAACP Chairman Julian Bond, and Congressman John Lewis of Georgia. Bartlett, deputy director of the gay National Black Justice Coalition as well as a member of the NAACP, joined the President in urging the NAACP board of governors to pass supportive resolutions. "The LGBT community needs you. Black LGBT people need you," he stressed.
Bartlett is absolutely correct. Even today, Black members of the LGBT community are still shunned by the African American Community as a whole. It's sad but "gayness" is often viewed as a "White boy thing." Bartlett stated that "LGBT issues still are seen as different, and that supporting them is supporting white LGBT people rather than black LGBT people." This is a total misconception that needs to be changed. According to a 1998 national survey conducted by Time and CNN, more Hispanics find homosexuality acceptable than Blacks do.
That survey showed that only 21% of African Americans think that same sex marriage should be legal, while 36% said that it should be legal. 56% of Hispanics find the homosexual lifestyle acceptable as opposed to 44% of African Americans. Judging by the fact that more than 70% of African Americans backed Prop.8, I don't think too much has changed since then sadly. More than half of Latino voters supported Proposition 8.
That is pretty hypocritical considering what Blacks and Hispanics have gone through and continue to go through in regards to discrimination and racism. Shame on us! The saying goes that if one of us is chained, then none of us is free. That is so true. America can't claim to be the land of the free until EVERY America has equal liberties.
Some LGBT Good news:
1.) Gay rights groups' attempt to intervene in a federal challenge of California's Proposition 8.
2.)Two Valley Episcopal priests expressed support for last week's decision by the national church not to stand in the way of the ordination of openly gay clergy. This is in Virginia by the way. In 2003, the Episcopal Church approved the ordination of V. Gene Robinson, the denomination's first openly gay bishop.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Black In America
I watched Black in America II last night on CNN and I was very happy with it. Black In America II is a thought provoking, touching, and very inspirational follow up to the first. Black In America showcased the struggles that African American women (especially single), families, and our community as a whole faces in America. The special took an in depth look at the racial disparities between students and the devastating impact HIV/AIDS has had on the African American community. Soledad O'Brien also reports on the progress of black women in the workplace and the status of the black middle class.
I was especially happy to see the black middle class focused on because usually that is a part that White America likes to ignore or pretend doesn't exist. Not all African Americans are inner city and lower class. Approximately 52% of African Americans are considered middle class. Yet, the income gap between black and white families continues to remain significant. A 2005 census showed that Blacks earned only 65% of the wages of whites.
Black In America II focused a lot more on African American youth and education. In America it still stands that African Americans attend college at about half the rate of whites, but at a greater rate than Hispanic Americans. More African American women attend and complete college than men.
Part of the Black In America series that first aired back in July of 2008, Black In America: The Black Man, took viewers through the personal stories of graduates of the 1968 class of Little Rock Central High School. This part of the series investigated the state of the Black man in American society as far as disparities between blacks and whites in education, career, and economic achievements. The very high rate of Black male incarceration was also discussed. 13% of black men in 20s and early 30s incarcerated. Nationwide, black men are sent to prison on drug charges at 13 times the rate of white men.
BIA2 highlighted successful African Americans who are making a difference, like Principal Steve Perry. Steve Perry is a principal who with tough love and unyielding encouragement of his students, has managed to have have a dropout rate of zero in his school. Perry is not only the principle of Capital Prep, but he also founded the school four years ago. Capital Prep, a year-round school that is more than 80 percent black and Latino, can boast of sending every graduating member of its senior class on to a four-year college. Now that's the type of impact I like to see.
BIA2 made it a point to show our youth that no matter where you come from or start out, your possibilities are endless. Even though you might have a hard life there is always someone out there with less than you have. Your circumstances are never an excuse for you not to achieve your goals and reach for the stars. I especially loved the air time given to Tyler Perry who is the first African American to own a major film and TV studio. He's doing a lot to make change happen in the community.
I also felt like disparities in healthcare for African Americans was highlighted as well. This is another sad reality of being Black in America; many times we don't receive the care we deserve because of your skin color or economic status. Dr. Lisa Newman's story on TNBC, a rarer form of breast cancer, was a big eye opener to me. Statistics show that black women are twice as likely as white women to get it. Dr. Newman went to Ghana searching for answers on TNBC because very little is known about what causes it.
I like how Black in America 2 focuses on our current leaders and the development of future ones, as well as the positive impact being made by African Americans already in power. African Americans make huge contributions to America economically, scholastically, and socially. It's time that America start acknowledging the accomplishments of Blacks in America, and the great trials we still face living in this country. If we come together as a people and as a nation, we can reverse the negative effects and change America for the better.
I was especially happy to see the black middle class focused on because usually that is a part that White America likes to ignore or pretend doesn't exist. Not all African Americans are inner city and lower class. Approximately 52% of African Americans are considered middle class. Yet, the income gap between black and white families continues to remain significant. A 2005 census showed that Blacks earned only 65% of the wages of whites.
Black In America II focused a lot more on African American youth and education. In America it still stands that African Americans attend college at about half the rate of whites, but at a greater rate than Hispanic Americans. More African American women attend and complete college than men.
Part of the Black In America series that first aired back in July of 2008, Black In America: The Black Man, took viewers through the personal stories of graduates of the 1968 class of Little Rock Central High School. This part of the series investigated the state of the Black man in American society as far as disparities between blacks and whites in education, career, and economic achievements. The very high rate of Black male incarceration was also discussed. 13% of black men in 20s and early 30s incarcerated. Nationwide, black men are sent to prison on drug charges at 13 times the rate of white men.
BIA2 highlighted successful African Americans who are making a difference, like Principal Steve Perry. Steve Perry is a principal who with tough love and unyielding encouragement of his students, has managed to have have a dropout rate of zero in his school. Perry is not only the principle of Capital Prep, but he also founded the school four years ago. Capital Prep, a year-round school that is more than 80 percent black and Latino, can boast of sending every graduating member of its senior class on to a four-year college. Now that's the type of impact I like to see.
BIA2 made it a point to show our youth that no matter where you come from or start out, your possibilities are endless. Even though you might have a hard life there is always someone out there with less than you have. Your circumstances are never an excuse for you not to achieve your goals and reach for the stars. I especially loved the air time given to Tyler Perry who is the first African American to own a major film and TV studio. He's doing a lot to make change happen in the community.
I also felt like disparities in healthcare for African Americans was highlighted as well. This is another sad reality of being Black in America; many times we don't receive the care we deserve because of your skin color or economic status. Dr. Lisa Newman's story on TNBC, a rarer form of breast cancer, was a big eye opener to me. Statistics show that black women are twice as likely as white women to get it. Dr. Newman went to Ghana searching for answers on TNBC because very little is known about what causes it.
I like how Black in America 2 focuses on our current leaders and the development of future ones, as well as the positive impact being made by African Americans already in power. African Americans make huge contributions to America economically, scholastically, and socially. It's time that America start acknowledging the accomplishments of Blacks in America, and the great trials we still face living in this country. If we come together as a people and as a nation, we can reverse the negative effects and change America for the better.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Lil Wayne Disses Michael Jackson. Definitely Not A Good Look
A video surfaced of Lil Wayne doing a free style rap while a friend of his (the guy getting a tatt is acting like a little bitch about the pain by the way) gets a tattoo. In the rap Lil Wayne says “I pledge allegiance to the flag, Michael Jackson is a fag/ Coca Cola, Seven-Up, Pepsi Cola burnt him up." Yeah, there's ignorance at his finest.
He made fun of a trail blazer in his industry. I think it's safe to say had there not been a Michael Jackson then there would have been no Lil Wayne in music. Not only did Wayne use a homophobic hate slur against the late King of Pop, but he then made fun of a very serious burn accident Michael suffered.
If you have seen the video footage of the 1984 Pepsi commercial shoot that surfaced about a week ago, then you know that what happened to Jackson was no laughing matter. I'm not really surprised though, this coming from a guy who french kissed Baby. The whole Lauren London incident didn't help Wayne's image either. Lil Wayne is just an ignorant, talentless, buffoon who thinks he's hot shit. He's a joke. And for the record, I don't see how anyone could think he's attractive or sexy. He looks like a crusty little monster.
The video also shows that Wayne is fake. He acknowledged Michael Jackson as a great at the BET Awards Show and then he goes and does this! Make your mind up Wayne. Here's the video of Lil Wayne's freestyle: http://ow.ly/15IxgN (Fast forward to 2:50 and listen to Wayne's ignorance!)
He made fun of a trail blazer in his industry. I think it's safe to say had there not been a Michael Jackson then there would have been no Lil Wayne in music. Not only did Wayne use a homophobic hate slur against the late King of Pop, but he then made fun of a very serious burn accident Michael suffered.
If you have seen the video footage of the 1984 Pepsi commercial shoot that surfaced about a week ago, then you know that what happened to Jackson was no laughing matter. I'm not really surprised though, this coming from a guy who french kissed Baby. The whole Lauren London incident didn't help Wayne's image either. Lil Wayne is just an ignorant, talentless, buffoon who thinks he's hot shit. He's a joke. And for the record, I don't see how anyone could think he's attractive or sexy. He looks like a crusty little monster.
The video also shows that Wayne is fake. He acknowledged Michael Jackson as a great at the BET Awards Show and then he goes and does this! Make your mind up Wayne. Here's the video of Lil Wayne's freestyle: http://ow.ly/15IxgN (Fast forward to 2:50 and listen to Wayne's ignorance!)
Monday, July 20, 2009
Racism: A Past Ghost? I Know Not.
Blatant racism is not a thing of the past people. There have been many recent incidents to let us know that as much as we might like to think those days of open discrimination and hate are just an ugly and unfortunate part of America's history, racism is almost just as much a part of present day life as it was back then.
Let me bring your attention to the prison release of Michael Vick. Many people are saying that he should not be allowed to play in the NFL again. I disagree, he has served his time, so let him get back to his life. I am an animal lover too. I just hate inequality. Dog racing kennels treat their dogs just as cruel and even worse. But yet, the owners of them somehow miraculously avoid media demonization, hefty fines, and prison time.
The are over 3,000 racing kennels in the U.S. The owners of horse racing places are just as bad. So tell me, how it is that the top dog racing kennels in America (i.e. Boreayl Kennels, Flat Creek Kennel, Heritage Kennel, and Windward Kennels just to name a few) can all have documented cases of horrific animal abuse of their dogs but still remain in full operation and with no one going to prison? I'll tell you the reasons. Racism and classism. Where the hell is PETA when you need them?! PETA, this is the point of an interest group. There is strength in numbers. Strength to take down corporations...not to attack the President for swatting a fly.
These big businesses are allowed to function because they are headed by very rich, White families. We live in a nation where money talks and race only helps that much more. The system of Government rarely gets involved with business affairs, even if it is harmful, unless a business starts to steal from the Government. We can thank the Republicans for this again. Less Government interference and more privatization! Give me a fucking break.
The scales of justices are influenced by such things as color and money. Inequality at it's finest. Studies and statistics also show that criminals convicted of murder get more time or a harsher sentence if the victim was White than if they are Black. (http://tiny.cc/AOeQz http://tiny.cc/2foO2 http://tiny.cc/T1pTM ) Is that to say that my life is worth less than that of a White person purely because of our skin color differences??! Am I not a person too?!?
I have absolutely no problem with punishing people for their wrongs as long as it's enforced equally across the board. So let Vick play. Let him live his life just like the owners of the dog kennels in America who electrocute, starve, and abandon unwanted inventory. In fact, Vick playing in the NFL can only help further the cause of animal rights, because as part of his deal his lawyers negotiated with the prosecutors, he has to do speaking tours to condemn animal cruelty and dog fighting. He'll be another famous face for animal rights.
Now let's move on to the Philly pool racism incident. During Jim Crow segregation, prevalent in the North as well as in the South, racial integration in public accommodations such as swimming pools was prohibited both by law and, in many more places, by custom. Then, the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965 passed, and discrimination on the basis of race in public accommodations such as swimming pools became illegal. Today, almost fifty years later many tend to regard racial discrimination in public accommodations a relic of a bygone era. Unfortunately, some Whites in Northeast Philadelphia failed to get the message (http://tiny.cc/d1efE ).
More than 60 African American kids attending a day camp in Northeast Philadelphia were turned away from a private swim club because of their race. "I heard this lady, she was like, 'Uh, what are all these black kids doing here?' She's like, 'I'm scared they might do something to my child,'" said camper Dymire Baylor. The Creative Steps Day Camp paid more than $1900 to The Valley Swim Club; a private club that advertises open membership. However, the club's treatment of the African American kids from Creative Steps suggests otherwise. Creative Steps is a non-profit organization set-up to help inner city children.
“When the minority children got in the pool all of the Caucasian children immediately exited the pool,” Horace Gibson, parent of a day camp child, wrote in an email. “The pool attendants came and told the black children that they did not allow minorities in the club and needed the children to leave immediately.” The very next day the Valley Club suspended the Creative Steps Day Camp's membership and told them that they would refund their money. Newsflash: If the camp paid $1900 to use the pool in the first place then they want to use the pool, not their money back!
This is the absolute best quote from the most idiotic PR man to walk this earth:
"There was concern that a lot of kids would change the complexion … and the atmosphere of the club," John Duesler, President of The Valley Swim Club said in a statement. Really, complexion? We still have a long way to go in this country. *sigh*
There is some bright light in this story though. When the story first broke, another camp stepped in and and offered their pool to the kids where their “complexion” would not be a problem. Also, the actions of the White pool owners has caused so much controversy that U.S. Senator Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) plans to launch an investigation.
The most amazing and touching act came from famous African American playwright and movie director, Tyler Perry. Mr. Perry is sending all the kids from that day camp to Disney Water World for 3 days on August 1-3. I applaud you Mr. Perry for standing up and taking it upon yourself to right a wrong (http://tiny.cc/EiCpL ). Oh, and after more that a week of immense pressure from the public, the Valley Club invited the kids to come back. Already too little too late.
Just today a story broke about a prominent black Harvard professor is facing disorderly conduct charges after his arrest while trying to get into his own home in Cambridge, Mass. Henry Louis Gates Jr., director of the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research at Harvard University, was arrested at midday Thursday by police officers investigating a possible break-in.
A police report indicates Gates, who had inadvertently locked himself out of his house, was taken into custody after "exhibiting loud and tumultuous behavior," the newspaper said. Okay, that would make if he weren't already IN his house when you showed up some 45 minutes later to question him. The report also says that Gates showed the police his driver's license and all proper identification, including his Harvard work id card. So my question is, "Why was he still taken into police custody for questioning?" He proved he lived there!
"He and I both raised the question of if he had been a white professor, whether this kind of thing would have happened to him, that they arrested him without any corroborating evidence," Harvard Medical School Professor S. Allen Counter said after talking with Gates. This was clearly another sad case of racial profiling. He is black so he doesn't belong in this rich White man type of neighborhood.
Still think racism is imagined? Something people of color whine about when they want something? Part of America's ugly past? If you still believe any of these myths then you are sadly mistaken. The institution of racism is just as alive today as it was back then. Our society has just gotten better at hiding it. We have come far, but not nearly far enough.
Let me bring your attention to the prison release of Michael Vick. Many people are saying that he should not be allowed to play in the NFL again. I disagree, he has served his time, so let him get back to his life. I am an animal lover too. I just hate inequality. Dog racing kennels treat their dogs just as cruel and even worse. But yet, the owners of them somehow miraculously avoid media demonization, hefty fines, and prison time.
The are over 3,000 racing kennels in the U.S. The owners of horse racing places are just as bad. So tell me, how it is that the top dog racing kennels in America (i.e. Boreayl Kennels, Flat Creek Kennel, Heritage Kennel, and Windward Kennels just to name a few) can all have documented cases of horrific animal abuse of their dogs but still remain in full operation and with no one going to prison? I'll tell you the reasons. Racism and classism. Where the hell is PETA when you need them?! PETA, this is the point of an interest group. There is strength in numbers. Strength to take down corporations...not to attack the President for swatting a fly.
These big businesses are allowed to function because they are headed by very rich, White families. We live in a nation where money talks and race only helps that much more. The system of Government rarely gets involved with business affairs, even if it is harmful, unless a business starts to steal from the Government. We can thank the Republicans for this again. Less Government interference and more privatization! Give me a fucking break.
The scales of justices are influenced by such things as color and money. Inequality at it's finest. Studies and statistics also show that criminals convicted of murder get more time or a harsher sentence if the victim was White than if they are Black. (http://tiny.cc/AOeQz http://tiny.cc/2foO2 http://tiny.cc/T1pTM ) Is that to say that my life is worth less than that of a White person purely because of our skin color differences??! Am I not a person too?!?
I have absolutely no problem with punishing people for their wrongs as long as it's enforced equally across the board. So let Vick play. Let him live his life just like the owners of the dog kennels in America who electrocute, starve, and abandon unwanted inventory. In fact, Vick playing in the NFL can only help further the cause of animal rights, because as part of his deal his lawyers negotiated with the prosecutors, he has to do speaking tours to condemn animal cruelty and dog fighting. He'll be another famous face for animal rights.
Now let's move on to the Philly pool racism incident. During Jim Crow segregation, prevalent in the North as well as in the South, racial integration in public accommodations such as swimming pools was prohibited both by law and, in many more places, by custom. Then, the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965 passed, and discrimination on the basis of race in public accommodations such as swimming pools became illegal. Today, almost fifty years later many tend to regard racial discrimination in public accommodations a relic of a bygone era. Unfortunately, some Whites in Northeast Philadelphia failed to get the message (http://tiny.cc/d1efE ).
More than 60 African American kids attending a day camp in Northeast Philadelphia were turned away from a private swim club because of their race. "I heard this lady, she was like, 'Uh, what are all these black kids doing here?' She's like, 'I'm scared they might do something to my child,'" said camper Dymire Baylor. The Creative Steps Day Camp paid more than $1900 to The Valley Swim Club; a private club that advertises open membership. However, the club's treatment of the African American kids from Creative Steps suggests otherwise. Creative Steps is a non-profit organization set-up to help inner city children.
“When the minority children got in the pool all of the Caucasian children immediately exited the pool,” Horace Gibson, parent of a day camp child, wrote in an email. “The pool attendants came and told the black children that they did not allow minorities in the club and needed the children to leave immediately.” The very next day the Valley Club suspended the Creative Steps Day Camp's membership and told them that they would refund their money. Newsflash: If the camp paid $1900 to use the pool in the first place then they want to use the pool, not their money back!
This is the absolute best quote from the most idiotic PR man to walk this earth:
"There was concern that a lot of kids would change the complexion … and the atmosphere of the club," John Duesler, President of The Valley Swim Club said in a statement. Really, complexion? We still have a long way to go in this country. *sigh*
There is some bright light in this story though. When the story first broke, another camp stepped in and and offered their pool to the kids where their “complexion” would not be a problem. Also, the actions of the White pool owners has caused so much controversy that U.S. Senator Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) plans to launch an investigation.
The most amazing and touching act came from famous African American playwright and movie director, Tyler Perry. Mr. Perry is sending all the kids from that day camp to Disney Water World for 3 days on August 1-3. I applaud you Mr. Perry for standing up and taking it upon yourself to right a wrong (http://tiny.cc/EiCpL ). Oh, and after more that a week of immense pressure from the public, the Valley Club invited the kids to come back. Already too little too late.
Just today a story broke about a prominent black Harvard professor is facing disorderly conduct charges after his arrest while trying to get into his own home in Cambridge, Mass. Henry Louis Gates Jr., director of the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research at Harvard University, was arrested at midday Thursday by police officers investigating a possible break-in.
A police report indicates Gates, who had inadvertently locked himself out of his house, was taken into custody after "exhibiting loud and tumultuous behavior," the newspaper said. Okay, that would make if he weren't already IN his house when you showed up some 45 minutes later to question him. The report also says that Gates showed the police his driver's license and all proper identification, including his Harvard work id card. So my question is, "Why was he still taken into police custody for questioning?" He proved he lived there!
"He and I both raised the question of if he had been a white professor, whether this kind of thing would have happened to him, that they arrested him without any corroborating evidence," Harvard Medical School Professor S. Allen Counter said after talking with Gates. This was clearly another sad case of racial profiling. He is black so he doesn't belong in this rich White man type of neighborhood.
Still think racism is imagined? Something people of color whine about when they want something? Part of America's ugly past? If you still believe any of these myths then you are sadly mistaken. The institution of racism is just as alive today as it was back then. Our society has just gotten better at hiding it. We have come far, but not nearly far enough.
Beware, I Bite...Hard
Okay, I am going to admit it. I am a very opinionated and strong willed individual and I see nothing wrong with that. I am set in my opinions and I KNOW that they are right. I have absolutely no problem with you expressing your beliefs (even if I think that they happen to be bullshit), but just know that I am always going to stick to mine and defend my position-fiercely. I am a very passionate person, and when I feel strongly about something or someone, I really stand up for it/them. So if you are going to enter into a "debate" with me on anything, just beware that I WILL make sure my side is heard, I will attack your side and most likely rip you and your "opinions" a new one. I play to win and I play hard. So if you are one of those lily ass people who gets their feelings hurt easily, internalizes everything, or gets their panties in a bunch often then don't even start with me. I am aggressive, out going, and loud by nature. And I like it. I have super thick skin so I expect others too, which may be wrong but I really don't care. That is all. Thanks for listening. This has been a not so friendly public service announcement courtesy of me bitches.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Talk ISH If You Want To B*tch
So the last couple of days have been a little weird. I have been bored out of my mind and restless all at the same time. A VERY uncomfortable feeling let me tell you. My vision has also been acting up and my depth perception is off because I am totally detoxed from my BuSpar by now. It's an accomplishment that brings bittersweet feelings. I am proud of myself because it's one less medicine I have to take and because it always made me really jumpy when I took it. *Gabby shivers at remembering all those nights when she thought that she was going to come out of her skin or go crazy.*
I am sad because my depth/spacial relations and vision is weird again. I guess I'll get used to it though. Anyways, I have been feeling great aside from the vision issues, and some muscle pain and spasms from the anxiety disorder. I wish I could get off of the other medicine and only take it when I really need it, but I think that is probably next to impossible since my anxiety is bad enough where I need some sort of medicine balancing out the chemicals in my brain. You know, I really miss my bestie so much these days, and all the time really. That is why I am so thankful and psyched that she coming for a week long visit August 8th! Hurry on down Beatrice!
Moving on, I have been thinking about what it would be like to work at the IRS lately. It's one of the new option choices that just opened up for my internship in D.C. I have until the last week of August until I have to make my final decision of where I wanna intern at. I'll probably still go with Capitol Hill, unless, IRS offers to pay a heavy stipend like I have heard they do in the Fall since there is less interns:) I'll let you know what I decide to do.
I can't wait for it to be August already because I am so done with July. It's been unbelievably hot, boring, and stressful this month. My mom and dad have also been going back and forth to Jacksonville at least twice a week to the Mayo Clinic to try and get some answers about what is wrong with my mommy's digestive system.
It's so frustrating because all the doctors have said she is in perfect health from what all their tests show (which is some sort of relief because at least we know she isn't dying), but obviously she doesn't feel perfect at all. She gets these REALLY bad stomach cramps, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, and sometimes vomiting that seems to come out of nowhere after she eats. But the doctors at the Clinic swear they won't stop until they have an answer for us, which is comforting.
What's been on the news lately about our President? Uhhmm, let's see, his teleprompter broke during a speech he was giving in defense of his economic stimulus plan on Monday. The audience was made up of administration officials, mayors and urban policy experts. Obama, being the super cool guy that he is, just apologized for the malfunction, laughed it off and continued to finish his 11 minute speech using his notes and text in front of him. He's pretty damn smooth.
Of course right winged media tried to make it into more than what it was. They tried to suggest that President Obama was stupid because he needed a teleprompter in the first place, and uses one for all his speeches. Well, I've got news for them: EVERY President, VP, and major dignitary giving a speech uses a teleprompter. It's been that way for quite sometime now. While we're on the subject of right-winged malice, let's talk about Sarah Palin's comments on Obama's energy plan.
Palin said, "The plan is an enormous threat to our economy." Yeah, because a plan that is going to help create five million new jobs is bad for the economy. As an added perk, within 10 years America will save more oil than we currently import from the Middle East and Venezuela combined. And by the year 2012, more than 10% of the U.S.'s energy will come from renewable sources on this plan. Palin's slamming of Obama's energy plan is obviously another one of her attempts to try to discredit anything the new administration does. I wish Republicans were able to see the bigger picture, but they rarely ever do.
My Twitter News: Purely For Your Entertainment
This redneck truck driver (she said her and her husband are both truck drivers in her bio) lady named Tammy, sent me an @ reply in response to my support of Obama as our President. She said that Afrobama was a failure and come 2012 his ass is going to be booted out of there (I presume she means the White House). Anyways, I of course busted out laughing, and when I went to her page she had a bunch of racist, ignorant, and ultra religious updates on it. Figures. I laughed almost as hard as when Young Republican Leader Audra Sigler Shay, attacked me via Twitter earlier this week. Shay is the 38 year old (gotta love a party that considers 38 young) new Young Republican Chairman.
Shay has recently been in hot water for agreeing with a blatantly racist comment left on her Facebook page by one of her friends. See the comment, her response, and read the story here: http://tiny.cc/4M5Tf When I conversed with Shay she not only put down our President, referring to him as B. Hussein Obomber, she also said her party protects America from the Muslims. When I asked her what she had against people of the Islamic faith, Shay responded, "Remember when they flew planes into buildings?"
Yeah, I was speechless at her ignorance too. Anyways, her account was mysteriously deleted the nest day (She had many other heated debates going on on her Twit page, so I am not surprised she closed it down). She only had 29 followers lol. As disturbing as comments like these are in the 21st century, I must agree with my friend and fellow blogger Arthur: "Views like theirs can only help further the Democratic Party." Most people already think that Republicans are ultra conservative, ultra religious, racist, irrational wingnuts to begin with.
Along with crazy Conservatives, there has also been a lot of lash outs against Debbie Rowe on Twitter. Michael Jackson's ex-wife who in 2001 signed away all parental rights to the two children her and Jackson had together, Prince and Paris, is fighting for custody of them now. She signed away the rights to the children and was paid $10 million by Jackson as part of the deal. Once you sign away your rights you can't take it back.
In a 2005 ‘Fox TV’ interview, Rowe commented on her role as a mother. "My kids don't call me Mom, because I don't want them to. They're not — they're Michael's children. It's not that they're not my children, but I had them because I wanted him to be a father. " So why is she fighting for custody if the kids don't even know her as mom? She said had it not been for MJ asking her to have his kids, she wouldn't have had any because she didn't want to raise children. People are so hot and cold. I think she is back to see how much more money she can get.
My guess is that the courts will honor MJ's will and let the children stay with his mom. This is a high profile case, so if the court goes against the will then you will undoubtedly have people asking, "Then what's the point of me having a will if after I'm dead the courts will just do what they want with my possessions and kids anyways?" Jackson acknowledged he purposely wrote Rowe out of the will and that he wanted his children with his mother. He also said his estate is to be split between his mom and his children. If Rowe gets the kids then their portion of the estate will have to follow them, and Jackson made it clear in the will Rowe was to get nothing. Courts are also leery to split up siblings sets too. Rowe has no claim to Michael's youngest child Blanket, so for her to take her two would split up the family. I'm with my friend Ebony on this one: "Debbie just needs to slither back under the rock she came from and leave Mike's family alone."
Now, this is just me being a total bitch:
(After I found her Twitter I had to say this. She left the door wide open. Hey, after what she did to me I deserve this one.)
personal jab at an ex friend of mine: people refer to you as tsunami because you're a giant wave of failure. Just thought you might like to know. :) No wonder your parents don't even want to come to your wedding.
I am sad because my depth/spacial relations and vision is weird again. I guess I'll get used to it though. Anyways, I have been feeling great aside from the vision issues, and some muscle pain and spasms from the anxiety disorder. I wish I could get off of the other medicine and only take it when I really need it, but I think that is probably next to impossible since my anxiety is bad enough where I need some sort of medicine balancing out the chemicals in my brain. You know, I really miss my bestie so much these days, and all the time really. That is why I am so thankful and psyched that she coming for a week long visit August 8th! Hurry on down Beatrice!
Moving on, I have been thinking about what it would be like to work at the IRS lately. It's one of the new option choices that just opened up for my internship in D.C. I have until the last week of August until I have to make my final decision of where I wanna intern at. I'll probably still go with Capitol Hill, unless, IRS offers to pay a heavy stipend like I have heard they do in the Fall since there is less interns:) I'll let you know what I decide to do.
I can't wait for it to be August already because I am so done with July. It's been unbelievably hot, boring, and stressful this month. My mom and dad have also been going back and forth to Jacksonville at least twice a week to the Mayo Clinic to try and get some answers about what is wrong with my mommy's digestive system.
It's so frustrating because all the doctors have said she is in perfect health from what all their tests show (which is some sort of relief because at least we know she isn't dying), but obviously she doesn't feel perfect at all. She gets these REALLY bad stomach cramps, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, and sometimes vomiting that seems to come out of nowhere after she eats. But the doctors at the Clinic swear they won't stop until they have an answer for us, which is comforting.
What's been on the news lately about our President? Uhhmm, let's see, his teleprompter broke during a speech he was giving in defense of his economic stimulus plan on Monday. The audience was made up of administration officials, mayors and urban policy experts. Obama, being the super cool guy that he is, just apologized for the malfunction, laughed it off and continued to finish his 11 minute speech using his notes and text in front of him. He's pretty damn smooth.
Of course right winged media tried to make it into more than what it was. They tried to suggest that President Obama was stupid because he needed a teleprompter in the first place, and uses one for all his speeches. Well, I've got news for them: EVERY President, VP, and major dignitary giving a speech uses a teleprompter. It's been that way for quite sometime now. While we're on the subject of right-winged malice, let's talk about Sarah Palin's comments on Obama's energy plan.
Palin said, "The plan is an enormous threat to our economy." Yeah, because a plan that is going to help create five million new jobs is bad for the economy. As an added perk, within 10 years America will save more oil than we currently import from the Middle East and Venezuela combined. And by the year 2012, more than 10% of the U.S.'s energy will come from renewable sources on this plan. Palin's slamming of Obama's energy plan is obviously another one of her attempts to try to discredit anything the new administration does. I wish Republicans were able to see the bigger picture, but they rarely ever do.
My Twitter News: Purely For Your Entertainment
This redneck truck driver (she said her and her husband are both truck drivers in her bio) lady named Tammy, sent me an @ reply in response to my support of Obama as our President. She said that Afrobama was a failure and come 2012 his ass is going to be booted out of there (I presume she means the White House). Anyways, I of course busted out laughing, and when I went to her page she had a bunch of racist, ignorant, and ultra religious updates on it. Figures. I laughed almost as hard as when Young Republican Leader Audra Sigler Shay, attacked me via Twitter earlier this week. Shay is the 38 year old (gotta love a party that considers 38 young) new Young Republican Chairman.
Shay has recently been in hot water for agreeing with a blatantly racist comment left on her Facebook page by one of her friends. See the comment, her response, and read the story here: http://tiny.cc/4M5Tf When I conversed with Shay she not only put down our President, referring to him as B. Hussein Obomber, she also said her party protects America from the Muslims. When I asked her what she had against people of the Islamic faith, Shay responded, "Remember when they flew planes into buildings?"
Yeah, I was speechless at her ignorance too. Anyways, her account was mysteriously deleted the nest day (She had many other heated debates going on on her Twit page, so I am not surprised she closed it down). She only had 29 followers lol. As disturbing as comments like these are in the 21st century, I must agree with my friend and fellow blogger Arthur: "Views like theirs can only help further the Democratic Party." Most people already think that Republicans are ultra conservative, ultra religious, racist, irrational wingnuts to begin with.
Along with crazy Conservatives, there has also been a lot of lash outs against Debbie Rowe on Twitter. Michael Jackson's ex-wife who in 2001 signed away all parental rights to the two children her and Jackson had together, Prince and Paris, is fighting for custody of them now. She signed away the rights to the children and was paid $10 million by Jackson as part of the deal. Once you sign away your rights you can't take it back.
In a 2005 ‘Fox TV’ interview, Rowe commented on her role as a mother. "My kids don't call me Mom, because I don't want them to. They're not — they're Michael's children. It's not that they're not my children, but I had them because I wanted him to be a father. " So why is she fighting for custody if the kids don't even know her as mom? She said had it not been for MJ asking her to have his kids, she wouldn't have had any because she didn't want to raise children. People are so hot and cold. I think she is back to see how much more money she can get.
My guess is that the courts will honor MJ's will and let the children stay with his mom. This is a high profile case, so if the court goes against the will then you will undoubtedly have people asking, "Then what's the point of me having a will if after I'm dead the courts will just do what they want with my possessions and kids anyways?" Jackson acknowledged he purposely wrote Rowe out of the will and that he wanted his children with his mother. He also said his estate is to be split between his mom and his children. If Rowe gets the kids then their portion of the estate will have to follow them, and Jackson made it clear in the will Rowe was to get nothing. Courts are also leery to split up siblings sets too. Rowe has no claim to Michael's youngest child Blanket, so for her to take her two would split up the family. I'm with my friend Ebony on this one: "Debbie just needs to slither back under the rock she came from and leave Mike's family alone."
Now, this is just me being a total bitch:
(After I found her Twitter I had to say this. She left the door wide open. Hey, after what she did to me I deserve this one.)
personal jab at an ex friend of mine: people refer to you as tsunami because you're a giant wave of failure. Just thought you might like to know. :) No wonder your parents don't even want to come to your wedding.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Michael Jackson Pepsi Ad Footage From 1984 Shoot
This recently unearthed video shows the King of Pop's horrible accident that occurred during the shooting of a Pepsi commercial that left him with 2nd and 3rd degree burns over his face and head. This is the accident that reportedly caused Michael to become addicted to pain killers. I must admit, this video was very hard to watch and it kinda graphic. Here's the link: http://tiny.cc/sSD8k
Monday, July 13, 2009
Just Leave Him Alone
I hate how people still gang up on and feel the need to defame Michael Jackson even after his death. How cruel and insensitive do people get?! Michael Jackson was a good, kind, and pure spirited man. Sure, he seemed a little different to most people, then again, most geniuses and people who inspire the world are.
In order to be great, one must be different. It's very obvious from the outpouring of grief and heartache over his passing, to the star studded tribute that the city of LA along with AEG put on, that Michael was a highly respected entertainer and an icon (yes, I said icon). His record sales and influence as a humanitarian and musician are unparalleled.
People slamming him are very misguided and ignorant. It's so unfortunate that now the child who accused Michael of molestation is stepping forward after Jackson's death and telling the truth about what happened. He said his dad made him say that Jackson had touched him and handled him inappropriately. He said his father said the child owed it to his family to get them out of debt and save them from bankruptcy. How low can you get?
Any person with any damn brains could see this was a get rich quick scheme at it's finest. So, you find out your kid has been molested and you first...call the police first so they can launch an investigation to try and find out exactly what happened to your kid, right? No, they file a civil suit. Civil suits mean that penalties are financial. We see where your concerns are-money. It was obvious that the kid was lying from the get-go by how many times little details in his story flip flopped and how elaborate the kid's story was.
Even without all the psychiatrists and psychologists stepping forward in MJ's defense, any person with intellect knows that the traits of a child pedophile don't align with Michael (That's the problem with most people, they have no intellect. We live in a nation where less than 30% of the population have a college degree). Child molesters aren't people who stick out in a crowd, nor are they eccentric. They are not viewed as odd or strange or different in any way. They are people with high regard by their peers and very respected within their community.
They seem to be your typical, best all-around people. They are your priests, softball coaches, school teachers, etc. Think about it bird brains, their predators. Predators in the wild have camouflage to help them blend in so they can better get to their prey. You will never see a yellow panther with bright red stripes, you know why? Because it defeats the purpose! A predator blends in with its surroundings.
They have to, their ability to continue to prey depends on it. The second child accuser had a similar story, and I was so proud of Mike for saying, "no, the gravy train is closed." He went to trial and let a jury decide his fate and you see what they thought. Michael was not guilty on all charges. This child's story had more holes in it than swiss cheese so of course Mike was found not guilty. That family was looking for at least one charge to stick so they could file a civil suit afterwards to hopefully get some money, but no luck. :)
Also, a little known fact, Michael first started rocking the glove to hide his vitiligo, and we now know that he had discoid lupus which would account for the vitiligo. Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is a chronic skin condition of sores with inflammation and scarring favoring the face, ears, and scalp and at times on other body areas. These lesions develop as a red, inflamed patch with a scaling and crusty appearance. The center areas may appear lighter in color with a rim darker than the normal skin (http://tiny.cc/voSic ). Here's more proof with photos: http://tiny.cc/i53hV
People are saying drugs killed MJ, but I know the real truth. Soicety killed Michael Jackson. We live in a world where people enjoy seeing people fall and fail, and the media thrives off of others' misfortunes and weaknesses. With his soft, child like nature and willingness to help others Michael never stood a chance in this cruel and harsh world. He was too caring, too forgiving, and too willing to let people in.
The stress and heartache of a world that only takes and loves to kick you when you're down finally got to him, and I know contributed to his possible drug use. People just continued to take pieces of him piece by piece until there was nothing left. He was trying to use substances to block out the pain of life. Self medicating for a broken heart.
This man went through so much pain at the hands of others and at the hands of life. Why can't people just give him a little bit of respect now that he is dead? He gave us great music and entertainment all while trying to teach us to care for one another for over 40 years. Now Congress Republicans don't even want to give him a resolution or acknowledge him as an American legend. What is wrong with this world?

In order to be great, one must be different. It's very obvious from the outpouring of grief and heartache over his passing, to the star studded tribute that the city of LA along with AEG put on, that Michael was a highly respected entertainer and an icon (yes, I said icon). His record sales and influence as a humanitarian and musician are unparalleled.
People slamming him are very misguided and ignorant. It's so unfortunate that now the child who accused Michael of molestation is stepping forward after Jackson's death and telling the truth about what happened. He said his dad made him say that Jackson had touched him and handled him inappropriately. He said his father said the child owed it to his family to get them out of debt and save them from bankruptcy. How low can you get?
Any person with any damn brains could see this was a get rich quick scheme at it's finest. So, you find out your kid has been molested and you first...call the police first so they can launch an investigation to try and find out exactly what happened to your kid, right? No, they file a civil suit. Civil suits mean that penalties are financial. We see where your concerns are-money. It was obvious that the kid was lying from the get-go by how many times little details in his story flip flopped and how elaborate the kid's story was.
Even without all the psychiatrists and psychologists stepping forward in MJ's defense, any person with intellect knows that the traits of a child pedophile don't align with Michael (That's the problem with most people, they have no intellect. We live in a nation where less than 30% of the population have a college degree). Child molesters aren't people who stick out in a crowd, nor are they eccentric. They are not viewed as odd or strange or different in any way. They are people with high regard by their peers and very respected within their community.
They seem to be your typical, best all-around people. They are your priests, softball coaches, school teachers, etc. Think about it bird brains, their predators. Predators in the wild have camouflage to help them blend in so they can better get to their prey. You will never see a yellow panther with bright red stripes, you know why? Because it defeats the purpose! A predator blends in with its surroundings.
They have to, their ability to continue to prey depends on it. The second child accuser had a similar story, and I was so proud of Mike for saying, "no, the gravy train is closed." He went to trial and let a jury decide his fate and you see what they thought. Michael was not guilty on all charges. This child's story had more holes in it than swiss cheese so of course Mike was found not guilty. That family was looking for at least one charge to stick so they could file a civil suit afterwards to hopefully get some money, but no luck. :)
Also, a little known fact, Michael first started rocking the glove to hide his vitiligo, and we now know that he had discoid lupus which would account for the vitiligo. Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is a chronic skin condition of sores with inflammation and scarring favoring the face, ears, and scalp and at times on other body areas. These lesions develop as a red, inflamed patch with a scaling and crusty appearance. The center areas may appear lighter in color with a rim darker than the normal skin (http://tiny.cc/voSic ). Here's more proof with photos: http://tiny.cc/i53hV
People are saying drugs killed MJ, but I know the real truth. Soicety killed Michael Jackson. We live in a world where people enjoy seeing people fall and fail, and the media thrives off of others' misfortunes and weaknesses. With his soft, child like nature and willingness to help others Michael never stood a chance in this cruel and harsh world. He was too caring, too forgiving, and too willing to let people in.
The stress and heartache of a world that only takes and loves to kick you when you're down finally got to him, and I know contributed to his possible drug use. People just continued to take pieces of him piece by piece until there was nothing left. He was trying to use substances to block out the pain of life. Self medicating for a broken heart.
This man went through so much pain at the hands of others and at the hands of life. Why can't people just give him a little bit of respect now that he is dead? He gave us great music and entertainment all while trying to teach us to care for one another for over 40 years. Now Congress Republicans don't even want to give him a resolution or acknowledge him as an American legend. What is wrong with this world?

Thursday, July 9, 2009
News Worth Knowing
More Key Positions in the Obama Administration to be Filled:
Today, President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate the following individuals for key administration posts:
Philip D. Murphy, Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany
Richard A. Serino, Deputy Administrator, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security
Dr. Marcia K. McNutt, Director of the United States Geological Survey and Science Advisor to the Secretary of the Interior
President Obama said, "I am grateful that these three talented individuals have decided to join my administration at a critical time for our nation, and I look forward to working with them in the months and years ahead."
President Obama Declares July 9, 2009 as National Summer Learning Day (courtesy of the White House Office of the Press Secretary)
Like an athlete out of practice, a child who takes long breaks from learning can face academic setbacks. This problem is especially prominent during the summer, when students may lose more than two months of progress. Children must remain engaged to maintain and build upon their current academic achievement. Sustained public service can also dramatically impact summer learning loss.
Students can challenge themselves and others through mentoring, environmental projects, and other meaningful volunteer work. Youth and their communities both benefit from these activities. Local opportunities for service can be found at: Serve.gov. Families and community members play the most important role in the lives of their children. Demands at work and home mean that many parents have less time to spend with their children, but this time, care, and instruction is critical to children's academic success. Especially during the summer, parents should try to find time to read interactively with children.
When possible, families should visit public libraries, tour museums and science centers, and explore the great outdoors. Parents can also encourage youth to keep a journal and to practice math skills through cooking and games. Even though summer has arrived, student learning needs do not take a vacation. On Summer Learning Day, we highlight the need for more young people to be challenged during their time off from school. We also express support for local programs, communities, and families that help children grow through learning initiatives. Working together, we can help students remain engaged and return to school with lithe and limber minds.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim July 9, 2009, as National Summer Learning Day. I call upon all Americans to support students as they participate in summer learning. I encourage students, parents, educators, and the non-profit community to engage in summer learning activities so that youth return to school poised for academic advancement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this sixth day of July, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fourth.
Today, President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate the following individuals for key administration posts:
Philip D. Murphy, Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany
Richard A. Serino, Deputy Administrator, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security
Dr. Marcia K. McNutt, Director of the United States Geological Survey and Science Advisor to the Secretary of the Interior
President Obama said, "I am grateful that these three talented individuals have decided to join my administration at a critical time for our nation, and I look forward to working with them in the months and years ahead."
President Obama Declares July 9, 2009 as National Summer Learning Day (courtesy of the White House Office of the Press Secretary)
Like an athlete out of practice, a child who takes long breaks from learning can face academic setbacks. This problem is especially prominent during the summer, when students may lose more than two months of progress. Children must remain engaged to maintain and build upon their current academic achievement. Sustained public service can also dramatically impact summer learning loss.
Students can challenge themselves and others through mentoring, environmental projects, and other meaningful volunteer work. Youth and their communities both benefit from these activities. Local opportunities for service can be found at: Serve.gov. Families and community members play the most important role in the lives of their children. Demands at work and home mean that many parents have less time to spend with their children, but this time, care, and instruction is critical to children's academic success. Especially during the summer, parents should try to find time to read interactively with children.
When possible, families should visit public libraries, tour museums and science centers, and explore the great outdoors. Parents can also encourage youth to keep a journal and to practice math skills through cooking and games. Even though summer has arrived, student learning needs do not take a vacation. On Summer Learning Day, we highlight the need for more young people to be challenged during their time off from school. We also express support for local programs, communities, and families that help children grow through learning initiatives. Working together, we can help students remain engaged and return to school with lithe and limber minds.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim July 9, 2009, as National Summer Learning Day. I call upon all Americans to support students as they participate in summer learning. I encourage students, parents, educators, and the non-profit community to engage in summer learning activities so that youth return to school poised for academic advancement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this sixth day of July, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fourth.
Who's Bad?
These past couple of days I have been feeling so tired and sleepy lately. I am thinking it is all the worry and anxiety associated with everything I have going on in the next couple of months. Anyways, there is not too much to blog about except that I am ordering a whole bunch of cool MJ memorabilia off of http://www.michaeljacksonmerch.com/ . Michael's This Is It Tour had planned on selling a ton of merchandise and now it is all up for sale at the above site.
I am ordering some cool ass t-shirts and a pretty tote bag to commemorate the King of Pop. He's going to go down in history as one of the greats. To me, he's just as timeless as Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, and Princess Di. I am so stoked that Congress cleared Michael of any wrong doing (they did do a full investigation and found the charges against him to be unfounded and unwarranted) and he has officially been designated as an American Legend. Mike was one of the last true artists and the last Mega Star. There will never be another MJ. Most of these acts today that we refer to as "recording artists" are just talentless, soul-less apes. There are just purely for entertainment purposes-no better than apes in a zoo.
It was so obvious he was extorted to begin with. What parent, if their child was really molested, files a civil suit and then drops all accusations once you get paid (the family asked for the settlement)? If my child was really molested then I would obviously call the cops and have a court file charges and do a full investigation, because I would want to know EXACTLY what happened to my child at the ranch. They alreayd knew the truth-nothing happened to their kid.
There is a special place in hell for crude people who destroy someone's life over money and other material gain. In 2005, the singer was acquitted on ALL charges by a jury because there was no evidence (i.e. witnesses to inappropriate activity), and the boy accuser kept changing his story from one elaborate tale to the next. I am glad that people are finally stepping forward and telling the truth and clearing his name (even though it does seem a little too little too late since he's dead, but I guess better late than never).
The public memorial service for Michael Jackson that was held at the Staples Center in L.A. (where Jackson was set to kick off his This Is It Tour and the last place he was up on stage at) was beautiful and very moving, especially Usher's and Hudson's tribute performances, Brooke Shields' eulogy, Sharpton's tribute, and Paris Jackson's (MJ's daughter) words about her daddy. I shed real tears when Paris and Brooke spoke. Michael was a great humanitarian just as much as he was a stellar entertainer.
Anyways, I think that is all for now. Later.
I am ordering some cool ass t-shirts and a pretty tote bag to commemorate the King of Pop. He's going to go down in history as one of the greats. To me, he's just as timeless as Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, and Princess Di. I am so stoked that Congress cleared Michael of any wrong doing (they did do a full investigation and found the charges against him to be unfounded and unwarranted) and he has officially been designated as an American Legend. Mike was one of the last true artists and the last Mega Star. There will never be another MJ. Most of these acts today that we refer to as "recording artists" are just talentless, soul-less apes. There are just purely for entertainment purposes-no better than apes in a zoo.
It was so obvious he was extorted to begin with. What parent, if their child was really molested, files a civil suit and then drops all accusations once you get paid (the family asked for the settlement)? If my child was really molested then I would obviously call the cops and have a court file charges and do a full investigation, because I would want to know EXACTLY what happened to my child at the ranch. They alreayd knew the truth-nothing happened to their kid.
There is a special place in hell for crude people who destroy someone's life over money and other material gain. In 2005, the singer was acquitted on ALL charges by a jury because there was no evidence (i.e. witnesses to inappropriate activity), and the boy accuser kept changing his story from one elaborate tale to the next. I am glad that people are finally stepping forward and telling the truth and clearing his name (even though it does seem a little too little too late since he's dead, but I guess better late than never).
The public memorial service for Michael Jackson that was held at the Staples Center in L.A. (where Jackson was set to kick off his This Is It Tour and the last place he was up on stage at) was beautiful and very moving, especially Usher's and Hudson's tribute performances, Brooke Shields' eulogy, Sharpton's tribute, and Paris Jackson's (MJ's daughter) words about her daddy. I shed real tears when Paris and Brooke spoke. Michael was a great humanitarian just as much as he was a stellar entertainer.
Anyways, I think that is all for now. Later.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Running Because I'm Not Sure I Can Fly
Let's see, I have had a decent enough 4th of July weekend. We didn't do any fireworks which was a bummer for me. My family (especially my father), never wants to have fun together anymore like we used to, unless ofcourse, it involves sitting in front of the fucking boob tube. Priceless. Anyways, I have been bummed lately for another reason, I am not totally sure how my future is going to play out. I am more than a month out of college (my degree came in the mail the other day by the way:) ) with no job and am not really sure what the next step in my life is. I can't even get a fucking part time position. *sigh*
I live in a small, mainly rural county that has been hit pretty hard by the economy's recession. I go to D.C. in a few months to intern, which I am praying leads to a job. I desperately hope ALL my financial assistance comes through, because if not, then I'll have to take out a loan to pay for it. *another big sigh*. I am just like, "What's next?" If my internship doesn't lead to a job then it's back to the drawing board. Literally. I'm just gonna take out a $40,000 loan and go to Law School to try to wait out this fucked up economic time. Pray for me please loves.♥
I live in a small, mainly rural county that has been hit pretty hard by the economy's recession. I go to D.C. in a few months to intern, which I am praying leads to a job. I desperately hope ALL my financial assistance comes through, because if not, then I'll have to take out a loan to pay for it. *another big sigh*. I am just like, "What's next?" If my internship doesn't lead to a job then it's back to the drawing board. Literally. I'm just gonna take out a $40,000 loan and go to Law School to try to wait out this fucked up economic time. Pray for me please loves.♥
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy Independence Day!
Happy Independence Day my fellow Americans! I hope that everyone has pool parties, fireworks, and plenty of BBQ's planned for today lol. It's great to American and I am so proud to be one. And despite America's flaws, I love it here and really couldn't picture myself living ANYWHERE else. This Independence Day is a little more special than ones in years past. Not only is today our nation's 233th birthday, it's also the first Independence Day our country has ever celebrated with a half Black man as our President.
Yay for Obama! Yay for progress! We are on the right track towards a better future, and realizing Martin Luther King's dream of an America where people are judged based on their character and not color. Just think, when the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776, African Americans were slaves, but now there is an African American serving in the highest position in the nation (and quite possibly the world for that matter). I have never been so proud to celebrate an Independence Day as I am this year. Happy birthday America. Have a happy 4th everyone:)
Yay for Obama! Yay for progress! We are on the right track towards a better future, and realizing Martin Luther King's dream of an America where people are judged based on their character and not color. Just think, when the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776, African Americans were slaves, but now there is an African American serving in the highest position in the nation (and quite possibly the world for that matter). I have never been so proud to celebrate an Independence Day as I am this year. Happy birthday America. Have a happy 4th everyone:)

Friday, July 3, 2009
Sarah Palin No Longer Governor? WHAT?!?
In a nationally televised press conference at the her home, Sarah Palin (whose many talents include a nitch for saying all the wrong things at the right times, and maintaining a perfect beehive hairstyle better than Amy Winehouse), announced that she will be stepping down as Governor of Alaska with more than a year left of her term.
She will also not seek re-election. In her speech she listed everything from having to make more time for combating rumors about her in the media, to needing to devote more time to her down syndrome son as reasons why she was resigning from her post. However, she ultimately made her resignation speech a list of everything she feels she has accomplished for Alaska and the Republic Party, and how she can make a bigger impact out of the office of Governor (hint, hint).
This is all obviously a part of her desperate game plan to try to get some early support for her 2012 run for President. Well I guess you can't knock her hustle. So it is with the most sincerity that I say to you Mrs. Palin, good luck (because you'll need every bit of it baby). By the way, did I mention that Sarah Palin is being investigated for an embezzlement scandal? And any forthcoming Federal indictments involving her receiving huge financial kickbacks from Spenard Building Supplies in the form of free materials and labor for the building of her home when she was Mayor of Wasilla would have obviously affected her ability to govern no less.

She will also not seek re-election. In her speech she listed everything from having to make more time for combating rumors about her in the media, to needing to devote more time to her down syndrome son as reasons why she was resigning from her post. However, she ultimately made her resignation speech a list of everything she feels she has accomplished for Alaska and the Republic Party, and how she can make a bigger impact out of the office of Governor (hint, hint).
This is all obviously a part of her desperate game plan to try to get some early support for her 2012 run for President. Well I guess you can't knock her hustle. So it is with the most sincerity that I say to you Mrs. Palin, good luck (because you'll need every bit of it baby). By the way, did I mention that Sarah Palin is being investigated for an embezzlement scandal? And any forthcoming Federal indictments involving her receiving huge financial kickbacks from Spenard Building Supplies in the form of free materials and labor for the building of her home when she was Mayor of Wasilla would have obviously affected her ability to govern no less.

Dear President Obama #165: Independence in D.C.? Not so much…
I agree with the main concept behind the article below, in respect to that there needs to be more cohesiveness on Capitol Hill and in government. Now, whether or not calling for more registered Independents is the way to do it, I am skeptical of that part. Republicans and Democrats need to understand that they should be working together to make the U.S. a better place to live for ALL Americans; not just for the white, rich, and wealthy, nor just for the blue collar.
America shouldn't be about the Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, etc. versus the Whites, the insured versus the uninsured, English versus Spanish, the jobless versus the employers, the Gays versus the Straight, the Christians versus the Islamic, or whatever else silly categories people use to separate themselves from others that never matter in the long run. America should be about people from all walks of life and descendants from all places on Earth living together and working together, because they believe in one common goal: the success of the U.S.A.
As a person who holds a degree in Political Science, I understand that politics is a game of power and resource distribution. However, there shouldn't have to always be a huge and drawn out power struggle and war waged in the press and in Congress everytime a big decision needs to be made. To me, weighing the advantages versus disadvantages is pretty easy once you lose all the "politics" behind them.
article is courtesy of CNN.com AC360°
Reporter’s Note: You might think that the Fourth of July weekend would be a bit of natural holiday for the President of the United States. Not so. And since he is pressing on with his duties, I’ll press on with mine, writing a letter each day to the most famous resident of Pennsylvania Avenue.
Tom Foreman
AC360° Correspondent
Dear Mr. President,
As we head into the July 4th weekend, let me be the first to wish you a happy Independence Day! (Although, I suspect since it is tomorrow, I’ve already missed the boat on being first, but you get my point…) I’m a great believer in independence; in people standing up for their beliefs, even if the crowd roars against them. In my earlier days, this led to some interesting fashion choices, but I’ve pretty much destroyed the photos now, and the charges have all been dropped, so what’s the harm?
Independence is a somewhat rare commodity in D.C. Now, I’m not talking about Independents, as in “people who don’t belong to either major party, but manage to run for and win office anyway.” They are as scarce as family value conservatives on Gay Pride day. Once in a while, a true Independent will drift into town, but the parties just grab the poor soul’s arms like he or she is a wishbone and start pulling.
No, I’m just talking about independent thinkers; Democratic and Republican lawmakers who listen to the facts of each measure being considered, debate the merits, and then vote some combination of their conscience and the will of their voters, whether or not it matches up to what Party bosses want. Truth is I always thought when I was growing up that that was precisely what Washington was supposed to be about. Of course I suffer from many other delusions, too.
Still, it never ceases to amaze and dismay me to hear the contempt with which political types here talk about any lawmaker who dares to speak his or her mind, and vote for what he or she thinks is “right,” not for just what is expedient.
Maybe I’m crazy (ok..almost certainly) but as you seek to change the culture of Washington, I think that belongs on your list: An effort to push all the political types here, of all stripes, away from convoluted deal-making, and toward more straight-up Horton votes. As in, “I meant what I said, and I said what I meant.” (I know, Horton was an elephant, and that doesn’t sit well with Dems, but I’m going for a comic connection here, not a political one. Work with me.) Most Democrats and Republicans would likely still wind up voting together, because they truly share their parties’ respective philosophies of government. But at least it might seem a little less like ducks marching to the pond in the name of Party, and more like independent thinkers truly trying to do their best for America.
If you get a break around the barbeques and badminton, give me a call. We can sing happy birthday to the country together!
America shouldn't be about the Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, etc. versus the Whites, the insured versus the uninsured, English versus Spanish, the jobless versus the employers, the Gays versus the Straight, the Christians versus the Islamic, or whatever else silly categories people use to separate themselves from others that never matter in the long run. America should be about people from all walks of life and descendants from all places on Earth living together and working together, because they believe in one common goal: the success of the U.S.A.
As a person who holds a degree in Political Science, I understand that politics is a game of power and resource distribution. However, there shouldn't have to always be a huge and drawn out power struggle and war waged in the press and in Congress everytime a big decision needs to be made. To me, weighing the advantages versus disadvantages is pretty easy once you lose all the "politics" behind them.
article is courtesy of CNN.com AC360°
Reporter’s Note: You might think that the Fourth of July weekend would be a bit of natural holiday for the President of the United States. Not so. And since he is pressing on with his duties, I’ll press on with mine, writing a letter each day to the most famous resident of Pennsylvania Avenue.
Tom Foreman
AC360° Correspondent
Dear Mr. President,
As we head into the July 4th weekend, let me be the first to wish you a happy Independence Day! (Although, I suspect since it is tomorrow, I’ve already missed the boat on being first, but you get my point…) I’m a great believer in independence; in people standing up for their beliefs, even if the crowd roars against them. In my earlier days, this led to some interesting fashion choices, but I’ve pretty much destroyed the photos now, and the charges have all been dropped, so what’s the harm?
Independence is a somewhat rare commodity in D.C. Now, I’m not talking about Independents, as in “people who don’t belong to either major party, but manage to run for and win office anyway.” They are as scarce as family value conservatives on Gay Pride day. Once in a while, a true Independent will drift into town, but the parties just grab the poor soul’s arms like he or she is a wishbone and start pulling.
No, I’m just talking about independent thinkers; Democratic and Republican lawmakers who listen to the facts of each measure being considered, debate the merits, and then vote some combination of their conscience and the will of their voters, whether or not it matches up to what Party bosses want. Truth is I always thought when I was growing up that that was precisely what Washington was supposed to be about. Of course I suffer from many other delusions, too.
Still, it never ceases to amaze and dismay me to hear the contempt with which political types here talk about any lawmaker who dares to speak his or her mind, and vote for what he or she thinks is “right,” not for just what is expedient.
Maybe I’m crazy (ok..almost certainly) but as you seek to change the culture of Washington, I think that belongs on your list: An effort to push all the political types here, of all stripes, away from convoluted deal-making, and toward more straight-up Horton votes. As in, “I meant what I said, and I said what I meant.” (I know, Horton was an elephant, and that doesn’t sit well with Dems, but I’m going for a comic connection here, not a political one. Work with me.) Most Democrats and Republicans would likely still wind up voting together, because they truly share their parties’ respective philosophies of government. But at least it might seem a little less like ducks marching to the pond in the name of Party, and more like independent thinkers truly trying to do their best for America.
If you get a break around the barbeques and badminton, give me a call. We can sing happy birthday to the country together!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
U.S. Troops Pullback
With 4,300 U.S. soldiers and approximately 200,000 Iraqi civilians dead, a price tag that is expected to exceed $1 trillion in cost by 2011 (the year the Bush Administration put as the time that all troops would be home), and the opinion of the U.S. by other countries down because of it, the War in Iraq has been no easy feat. When the U.S. first started the war back in 2003, the estimated cost for the war was $10 billion total, and it was expected to be a quick and easy win for the U.S. Obviously, it proved to be anything but. Recent polls show that most Americans (82% of those polled) feel that the war overall has been an expensive failure and don't believe that benefits, if any, have outweighed the cost.
On the bright side, Saddam Hussein and his evil sons were killed by the war, so that is definitely a plus. There's no doubt in my mind that Hussein would have become a huge security threat and reeked havoc in the future, if not for the U.S., then surely for other countries. Hussein was a modern day Adolf Hitler and there is no telling what horrors he would have committed in the future. We saw how he orchestrated the Kurdish Genocide.
Yesterday was a new beginning for the Iraqi people. It marked the beginning of Iraq becoming a sovereign nation again. Tuesday was the first day of U.S. Pullback of soldiers in Iraq. Most of the troops that were pulled out of Iraq went to Afghanistan as the U.S. now plans to focus more energy towards efforts there. While more than 130,000 U.S. troops remain in Iraq, patrols by heavily armed soldiers in hulking vehicles have largely disappeared from Iraq's urban centers, as the United States turns over security to Iraqi police and soldiers. In addition to the transfer of most bases, US forces have pledged to provide their Iraqi counterparts with 8,500 rebuilt and reissued Humvees, 5,000 of which have already been handed over, Odierno said, without specifying when the transfers would be complete.
They will also release or transfer to Iraqi custody about 11,000 detainees held in US prison camps, with the last American facility closing in August 2010.Unfortunately though, at least 34 people were killed in a car bombing Tuesday in the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk, marring a national holiday declared to celebrate the departure of U.S. combat troops from the country's cities. Also Tuesday, the U.S. military announced the deaths of four soldiers Monday in an attack south of Baghdad, a grim reminder of the vulnerability of U.S. troops as more of them are deployed to rural outposts. Against the backdrop of continuing violence, Baghdad residents marked the U.S. pullback with a military parade, and a few took to the streets to honk their car horns and wave flags.
Iraqis celebrated what the government named "National Sovereignty Day," more than six years after the U.S.-led invasion to topple Saddam Hussein and fight terrorism. Iraqi and U.S. leaders billed Tuesday as a milestone and expressed confidence in the abilities of Iraqi security forces as they formally assumed control of cities. In Washington, President Obama called the long-planned move an "important step" toward a complete U.S. pullout from the war that began six years ago, but he also predicted more violence.
Most Iraqis are ecstatic about the U.S. Pullback and are happy to begin to gain complete control over their own country. However, some Some Iraqis fear it leaves them open to attack by insurgent groups. I am happy that Iraq is being given control of their country back. It shows that this administration does have intentions of leaving Iraq soon, and it shows the world that America does want Iraq to gain it's independence and power as a sovereign nation again.
This is a great opportunity for Iraqi leaders to prove to their citizens and to the world that they can successfully handle being in charge after such a long time with the U.S. in charge, and to show the world that they can lead Iraq to a better and more prosperous tomorrow. Unfortunately, I have to agree with President Obama about a lot more violence being on the way as insurgent groups try to take advantage of the newly empowered Government and military. I really hope they can make Democracy work for them. It will be interesting to see how Iraq handles this new found freedom in the coming weeks and months.
On the bright side, Saddam Hussein and his evil sons were killed by the war, so that is definitely a plus. There's no doubt in my mind that Hussein would have become a huge security threat and reeked havoc in the future, if not for the U.S., then surely for other countries. Hussein was a modern day Adolf Hitler and there is no telling what horrors he would have committed in the future. We saw how he orchestrated the Kurdish Genocide.
Yesterday was a new beginning for the Iraqi people. It marked the beginning of Iraq becoming a sovereign nation again. Tuesday was the first day of U.S. Pullback of soldiers in Iraq. Most of the troops that were pulled out of Iraq went to Afghanistan as the U.S. now plans to focus more energy towards efforts there. While more than 130,000 U.S. troops remain in Iraq, patrols by heavily armed soldiers in hulking vehicles have largely disappeared from Iraq's urban centers, as the United States turns over security to Iraqi police and soldiers. In addition to the transfer of most bases, US forces have pledged to provide their Iraqi counterparts with 8,500 rebuilt and reissued Humvees, 5,000 of which have already been handed over, Odierno said, without specifying when the transfers would be complete.
They will also release or transfer to Iraqi custody about 11,000 detainees held in US prison camps, with the last American facility closing in August 2010.Unfortunately though, at least 34 people were killed in a car bombing Tuesday in the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk, marring a national holiday declared to celebrate the departure of U.S. combat troops from the country's cities. Also Tuesday, the U.S. military announced the deaths of four soldiers Monday in an attack south of Baghdad, a grim reminder of the vulnerability of U.S. troops as more of them are deployed to rural outposts. Against the backdrop of continuing violence, Baghdad residents marked the U.S. pullback with a military parade, and a few took to the streets to honk their car horns and wave flags.
Iraqis celebrated what the government named "National Sovereignty Day," more than six years after the U.S.-led invasion to topple Saddam Hussein and fight terrorism. Iraqi and U.S. leaders billed Tuesday as a milestone and expressed confidence in the abilities of Iraqi security forces as they formally assumed control of cities. In Washington, President Obama called the long-planned move an "important step" toward a complete U.S. pullout from the war that began six years ago, but he also predicted more violence.
Most Iraqis are ecstatic about the U.S. Pullback and are happy to begin to gain complete control over their own country. However, some Some Iraqis fear it leaves them open to attack by insurgent groups. I am happy that Iraq is being given control of their country back. It shows that this administration does have intentions of leaving Iraq soon, and it shows the world that America does want Iraq to gain it's independence and power as a sovereign nation again.
This is a great opportunity for Iraqi leaders to prove to their citizens and to the world that they can successfully handle being in charge after such a long time with the U.S. in charge, and to show the world that they can lead Iraq to a better and more prosperous tomorrow. Unfortunately, I have to agree with President Obama about a lot more violence being on the way as insurgent groups try to take advantage of the newly empowered Government and military. I really hope they can make Democracy work for them. It will be interesting to see how Iraq handles this new found freedom in the coming weeks and months.
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