In order to be great, one must be different. It's very obvious from the outpouring of grief and heartache over his passing, to the star studded tribute that the city of LA along with AEG put on, that Michael was a highly respected entertainer and an icon (yes, I said icon). His record sales and influence as a humanitarian and musician are unparalleled.
People slamming him are very misguided and ignorant. It's so unfortunate that now the child who accused Michael of molestation is stepping forward after Jackson's death and telling the truth about what happened. He said his dad made him say that Jackson had touched him and handled him inappropriately. He said his father said the child owed it to his family to get them out of debt and save them from bankruptcy. How low can you get?
Any person with any damn brains could see this was a get rich quick scheme at it's finest. So, you find out your kid has been molested and you the police first so they can launch an investigation to try and find out exactly what happened to your kid, right? No, they file a civil suit. Civil suits mean that penalties are financial. We see where your concerns are-money. It was obvious that the kid was lying from the get-go by how many times little details in his story flip flopped and how elaborate the kid's story was.
Even without all the psychiatrists and psychologists stepping forward in MJ's defense, any person with intellect knows that the traits of a child pedophile don't align with Michael (That's the problem with most people, they have no intellect. We live in a nation where less than 30% of the population have a college degree). Child molesters aren't people who stick out in a crowd, nor are they eccentric. They are not viewed as odd or strange or different in any way. They are people with high regard by their peers and very respected within their community.
They seem to be your typical, best all-around people. They are your priests, softball coaches, school teachers, etc. Think about it bird brains, their predators. Predators in the wild have camouflage to help them blend in so they can better get to their prey. You will never see a yellow panther with bright red stripes, you know why? Because it defeats the purpose! A predator blends in with its surroundings.
They have to, their ability to continue to prey depends on it. The second child accuser had a similar story, and I was so proud of Mike for saying, "no, the gravy train is closed." He went to trial and let a jury decide his fate and you see what they thought. Michael was not guilty on all charges. This child's story had more holes in it than swiss cheese so of course Mike was found not guilty. That family was looking for at least one charge to stick so they could file a civil suit afterwards to hopefully get some money, but no luck. :)
Also, a little known fact, Michael first started rocking the glove to hide his vitiligo, and we now know that he had discoid lupus which would account for the vitiligo. Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is a chronic skin condition of sores with inflammation and scarring favoring the face, ears, and scalp and at times on other body areas. These lesions develop as a red, inflamed patch with a scaling and crusty appearance. The center areas may appear lighter in color with a rim darker than the normal skin ( ). Here's more proof with photos:
People are saying drugs killed MJ, but I know the real truth. Soicety killed Michael Jackson. We live in a world where people enjoy seeing people fall and fail, and the media thrives off of others' misfortunes and weaknesses. With his soft, child like nature and willingness to help others Michael never stood a chance in this cruel and harsh world. He was too caring, too forgiving, and too willing to let people in.
The stress and heartache of a world that only takes and loves to kick you when you're down finally got to him, and I know contributed to his possible drug use. People just continued to take pieces of him piece by piece until there was nothing left. He was trying to use substances to block out the pain of life. Self medicating for a broken heart.
This man went through so much pain at the hands of others and at the hands of life. Why can't people just give him a little bit of respect now that he is dead? He gave us great music and entertainment all while trying to teach us to care for one another for over 40 years. Now Congress Republicans don't even want to give him a resolution or acknowledge him as an American legend. What is wrong with this world?

1 comment:
hi there.... totally in agreement with you.... though i didnt know that the kid who had accused MJ of molestation is now admitting that he lied... this is serious news! anyway, do take time out to read my post on being an MJ fan as well
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