Up writing late because I have a headache (probably from stress). I just took my meds so hopefully those will help. Anyways, so my bestie can't stay at my house due to family issues, but thankfully she is still coming to Daytona for her vacation, so I can at least spend some time with her. My dad is still an ass, I am still waiting to see if I have to take out a loan to go to D.C. or is the internship going to pay for itself, I still wonder why I have to deal with all this, I wish I had a better support system, and I really need a sign from up above about what direction to take in my life. On a high note, dinner was exceptionally good tonight. We had boiled chicken, cornbread, green beans, and baked mac n cheese. I also got my newest MJ shirt in the mail today. I took a few new pics of myself wearing it along with my super cute pink and purple African Opal earrings. I needed a new Twitter pic.
In other news,
I wrote a letter in support of the Michael Jackson Resolution to Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. I mailed it off last week.
Speaking of Michael Jackson, the LAPD police have now publicly confirmed that MJ's private doctor, Dr. Conrad Murray, is being investigated for the crime of manslaughter for his role in the death of Jackson. The coroner found lethal levels of the powerful anesthetic Propofol/Diprivin in Jackson's system. The raid of Murray's Houston office turned up the drug. The drug was also found in Jackson's home. Murray has now fled from California. His lawyers believe he may be overseas.
I figured that Murray killed Jackson the first time he went MIA right after MJ died. A person who has nothing to hide wouldn't go missing. They would make themselves available for questioning immediately after the incident, not almost 24 hours later. That's was what made it obvious he was involved. He's a spineless, gutless, heartless murderer.
Oh, and Murray was also on suspension from the hospital where he worked at for ethic violations. No surprise there. I have a feeling that after Jackson's official toxicology report is made public there will be a lot more so called doctors (aka drug pushers with a degree) going down. Just because a patient offers a doctor a lot of money, it doesn't give the doctor the right to ignore the Hippocratic oath.
Moving On,
I am so sick of CNN talking about the Cambridge cop situation and the President's remarks. What the President did was no big deal. He just said they acted stupidly, which if you have read the police report, then you know that's true. The media and Republicans are just looking for anything to bag on Obama about. It's really pathetic. Well, I guess Lydon B. Johnson said it best, "Being President is like being a jackass in a hailstorm. There's nothing to do but to stand there and take it." People will portray you as an ass (Johnson was also a Democrat-the logo) at the littlest things, and make a big shit storm out of a little rain.
We also found out that the police lied today when they said that the female caller didn't identify the race of the men. She clearly made a reference to race on the 911 tape. "Um, well, there were two larger men. One looked kind of Hispanic, but I'm not really sure. And the other one entered and I didn't see what he looked like at all."
Whalen (the caller) saw "two black men with backpacks," entering the home and assumed they were breaking in. You know what they say about assuming, "Don't assume anything because then you make an ass out of us both." Her prejudices led her to assume that these "two Black men" were taking part in a criminal act, and she turned out to be totally wrong. She is partly to blame for this big mess. Her ass needs to come to the White House and explain herself.
Thanks to speaking with her, the police already had preconceived notions about what they were going to encounter. Sgt. Crowley knew that Gates was Black before entering the home which he had previously denied before the 911 tape surfaced. Anyways, Gates and the arresting police officer (Sgt. James Crowley) are supposed to meet with the President this Thursday for a beer to talk this whole situation over.
Something that happened recently that I thought was kinda funny was that someone left a couple of little picket signs on Gates' lawn calling HIM a racist. I laughed so hard. I can tell this was someone with no education because technically speaking (ask any scholar), Blacks and Hispanics can't be "racist." They can be prejudice. Prejudice is any judgment or opinion formed before the facts are known. In most cases, these opinions are founded on suspicion, intolerance, and the irrational hatred of other races, religions, creeds, or nationalities.
Racism is like prejudice with teeth if you will. It's taking your preconceived notions to another level and actually doing harm to another group, person, based on those thoughts. Personally-mediated, institutionalized, and internalized racism. The Cambridge cop and Ph.D. professor situation is an example of personally-mediated racism. This type of racism is characterized by differentiated assumptions about the abilities, motives, and intents of others according to race. Prejudice and discrimination fall into this category of racism.
Racism is only referred to as racism if it is inflicted by a member of the dominant culture onto a subordinate member of society. In other words, a group of people have to be in power to be considered racists. Since African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, Muslims, etc are the minorities in America, it is inaccurate to refer to them as "racists."
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