She will also not seek re-election. In her speech she listed everything from having to make more time for combating rumors about her in the media, to needing to devote more time to her down syndrome son as reasons why she was resigning from her post. However, she ultimately made her resignation speech a list of everything she feels she has accomplished for Alaska and the Republic Party, and how she can make a bigger impact out of the office of Governor (hint, hint).
This is all obviously a part of her desperate game plan to try to get some early support for her 2012 run for President. Well I guess you can't knock her hustle. So it is with the most sincerity that I say to you Mrs. Palin, good luck (because you'll need every bit of it baby). By the way, did I mention that Sarah Palin is being investigated for an embezzlement scandal? And any forthcoming Federal indictments involving her receiving huge financial kickbacks from Spenard Building Supplies in the form of free materials and labor for the building of her home when she was Mayor of Wasilla would have obviously affected her ability to govern no less.

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