Thursday, July 15, 2010

Myspace Is Dead

I always get a lot of questions about myself and my life from my little submit box on my blog, or from people on Twitter. They're always complaining that I don't bear enough of myself on here. Well, I got news for you, nothing's going to change. I write about anything and everything I want. A blog isn't for the whole world to know everything about your life. I share what I wanna share and keep private what I wanna keep private. It's just another fun way for me to connect with people from a distance-just how I like it:) But I will take one of these weird little Myspace surveys with useless crap on it so maybe you can maybe feel like you me just a tad bit more. Just because Myspace is dead and outdated, doesn't mean we still can't have a little fun with these old bulletin surveys (God knows there are thousands of them). Well, here goes nothing.

What's your favorite color gummy bear? don't really care for gummy bears. I hate how they always get stuck in your teeth.

What is the sexiest part of the opposite sexs body? it depends on the person

Have you ever made up/sang a song for someone you cared about? nope

Ever had a song sang about/for you? yes

Is there a baby in the room with you right now? a baby dog. Her name is Pookie Pook

Do you know how to dance? Hello, I'm Black. Lol, jk. I do dance though. Ballet and jazz since I was three years old

Where do you sing the most, in the car, the shower or other? other

What is your favorite thing that is green? money!

What did your last text message say? earn up to $1200 a week sitting at your computer. Yeah, it was spam. I hate spam, especially on my cell phone.

Boxers, briefs or boxer briefs? I don't wear these.... I much prefer thongs

What is your middle name? Shardae

What is the way to your heart? I'll never tell

What do you smell like? Paris Hilton

Whats in your pocket? my thongs don't have pockets on them and that's all I am wearing now.

Anything in your mouth? Always-my tongue

Ever hurt yourself playing Wii? no, because I don't own one. Those things can be dangerous
Do you have freckles? no

How many languages can you say "Hello" in? 3. Spanish, English, and Italian

Whats the last movie you saw in the theater? Shrek 3

Ever jumped/fallen/been pushed in a pool with your clothes on? no. that's stupid

Are you wearing any clothes that you wore yesterday? no. I put on fresh clothes everyday.

Name a song that you know all the words to: Michael Jackson's Beat It

Are you in love with someone right now? I will always love my family and friends.

Whats the last thing you watched on TV? an old episode of Family Guy about an hour ago

Whats the last video game you played? Sorority Life and the Sims 3

Who is your daddy and what does he do? a man who has a job. If I told you anymore I would have to kill you.

Can you do the alphabet in sign language? no, sadly.

Do you have an uncle named Joe? not that I know of

What word do you use when people pass gas? ....

Do you wear glasses? no. I have perfect vision. 20/20 I wear sunglasses though. I love super stylish ones and I even wear them at night. I am such a rebel:)

What can you hear right now? my fan circulating air behind me

Did you feel better or worse or the same yesterday? about the same. Just happy to be alive and living my life.

Ever been overseas? no. I don't plan on going either. The USA is the only place for me

What are your plans for today? don't have any as of yet

How long have you had MySpace? I don't have one now and never will again. Stalkers and Myspace whores creep me out. I had it for about a year before I closed it down in the middle of last year.

What was your favorite childhood show? if I had to pick I would choose Family Matters followed a close second by Ren&Stimpy

Are you close to your siblings? yes.

What was your first job? my real job was working as a T.A. my freshman year of college.

Do you bite your nails? yes. a bad habit of mine along with drinking milk straight from the carton.

Do you like your feet? They're okay. They do their job just fine.

Do you sleep well at night? I stay up all night most nights. Yay for insomnia. I guess that's a no then.

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