Go on, guess. Just do it. Guess even though you'll probably never guess it in a million minutes. But guess anyways just for the heck of it. I'll give you some guessing time and you can hum the Jeopardy thinking music yourself....................................................................................................... You give up???
Why it's lip balm of course!
And for only $4.99 (I personally think that 5 bucks is too much to pay for lip balm, but hey, to each his/her own) you can have your very own little ball looking lip balm by Twist and Shout . You gotta admit the wrapping is pretty snazzy. They say presentation is everything, right? I found this little wonder at http://www.scentaddict.com/ And I found this site because I was playing Sorority Life on Facebook. It was in the little annoying sidebox on the right where businesses and websites pay to advertise on Facebook. I was bored and kinda curious from the name of the site so I clicked. And wallah!! (I guess those advertisements might work better than I thought)

Something I thought was super awesome was these little scent lockets that they sell. It's jewelry and perfume all in one. Very functional. The little bottle of perfume is inside the locket, and you just pull the little silver loop where the black cord goes through up and dab some perfume on. Then just deposit the wand back in the top of the locket when you're done. They're $25.99. Not too bad for a locket and perfume. My birthday's coming up soon, so who knows, maybe a scent locket with a sexy green fairy on the front is in my near future.

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