I know I am a little late with this but I am going to sum up Obama's 100 days myself and in my own words. I am listing what I believe to be the most important accomplishments of his first 3 months in the Oval Office. CNN and all those other news peeps have nothing on me!
In his first 100 days in office, Obama has:
1.) Signed an order to close Guantanamo Bay within the year
2.) Signed into law an expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program designed to extend government health care to roughly 4 million children.
3.) Got a Stimulus Plan passed to help resuscitate the nation's economy that includes tax increases for the wealthy and tax breaks to working families.
4.) Showed Americans the light at the end of the Iraq tunnel by promising to "remove all U.S. troops" by the end of 2011.
5.) Helped America to gain some of its credibility back with the Muslim and South American world
6.) Released CIA memos detailing the torture techniques used against "suspected" terrorists by the Bush Administration (and how the CIA destroyed most of the tapes that would incriminate them).
7.) Put down the AIG uprising and began to create a Government that holds big business accountable for their spending of tax dollars and practices (i.e. job outsourcing)
8.) Met the Queen
9.) Dealt with Somalian Pirates and showed them who was boss
10.) Lifted all restrictions on Cuban-Americans to visit their homeland and send money to family members there. In an executive order, Obama also authorised U.S. telecommunications companies to apply for licenses to do business in Cuba in what the White House described as an effort to increase the flow of information to the Cuban people.
11.) Has effectively handled the swine flu by keeping communications between the public and top U.S. Health Officials and agencies
In conclusion, Obama's Presidency has already yielded some real changes for the better in this nation and I can't wait to see what the first year holds.
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