So today the California Supreme Court decided to uphold Proposition 8. That was what I kinda expected to happen. This news was of course crushing to same-sex couples and those who support their right to marry. The ruling conformed with the court's historical reluctance to overturn constitutional amendments. This news way sucks but I know that this fight is, however, far from over. Yet the campaign supporting equal marriage rights for gays and lesbians is far from a total failure. It has sparked a necessary if testy national conversation that almost certainly contributed to new marriage rights for same-sex couples in several other states over the last few months. States like Iowa, New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Maine allow same sex marriage in their state. New York may be joining them very soon too. Rhode Island and D.C. now recognize marriage licenses of same-sex couples issued by other states.
I believe that it so wrong to deny people the right to the pursuit of happiness based on sexual orientation, skin color, religious beliefs, disability, gender, or any of that other bull crap like that. It's all just bigotry-plain and simple. They always say state and church are separate, but then use the Bible as the main way to discriminate against people. It is so unbelievably hateful to take God, who is love, and use him and his words to uphold hate and inequality. I really hope and pray that people against this realize what harm they are doing soon and get a grip.
Read my words: Just because you're straight it doesn't give you the right to hate!
Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves. -Abraham Lincoln

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