So I have this guy who likes me. He is Nigerian and seems to be really nice. I just don't know what to make of him though. He seems really sweet and he showers me with compliments like 24/7 (not to mention he calls and texts me like 5011x times a day!). He tells me I'm beautiful (DUH! Men tell me that all the time) and calls me "sunshine" (whatever that means...). I just don't trust men/guys in general because they are so damn flaky and...dishonest. Their species is pretty fucked up. I know women have got their problems too (backstabbing, jealous, nosey-ass bitches), but men pull that nonchalant and in-their-own-world type of stuff that just bugs me to no end. They pretend to like you and give you all the "GO" signs and make you think that they really want to be with you and then they just pull away so unexpectedly for no damn reason. They do a complete flip; I'm talking Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll type thing.
They don't even care that they hurt you and cause emotional distress. I know that every guy is different, but this seems to be a common trait with them. What is a girl supposed to do? So as you can imagine, the way I feel about fellas mixed with the fact that this guy is Nigerian (I am the furthest thing from racist/prejudice but I just don't know much about their culture or courting; which makes it even harder to decipher his true intentions. You can read all the damn books written on Nigeria and the people and listen to every university lecture given on the topic, but that still doesn't tell you anything because you're not from there so you are already at a disadvantage when dealing with someone from there. And that goes with any foreigner), makes me even more leery. I will just have to wait and see how this goes. I am really curious to see what type of information or new experiences being his friend will yield. I'll definitely be writing about this in future blogs. lol.
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