So the last couple of days have been a little weird. I have been bored out of my mind and restless all at the same time. A VERY uncomfortable feeling let me tell you. My vision has also been acting up and my depth perception is off because I am totally detoxed from my BuSpar by now. It's an accomplishment that brings bittersweet feelings. I am proud of myself because it's one less medicine I have to take and because it always made me really jumpy when I took it. *Gabby shivers at remembering all those nights when she thought that she was going to come out of her skin or go crazy.*
I am sad because my depth/spacial relations and vision is weird again. I guess I'll get used to it though. Anyways, I have been feeling great aside from the vision issues, and some muscle pain and spasms from the anxiety disorder. I wish I could get off of the other medicine and only take it when I really need it, but I think that is probably next to impossible since my anxiety is bad enough where I need some sort of medicine balancing out the chemicals in my brain. You know, I really miss my bestie so much these days, and all the time really. That is why I am so thankful and psyched that she coming for a week long visit August 8th! Hurry on down Beatrice!
Moving on, I have been thinking about what it would be like to work at the IRS lately. It's one of the new option choices that just opened up for my internship in D.C. I have until the last week of August until I have to make my final decision of where I wanna intern at. I'll probably still go with Capitol Hill, unless, IRS offers to pay a heavy stipend like I have heard they do in the Fall since there is less interns:) I'll let you know what I decide to do.
I can't wait for it to be August already because I am so done with July. It's been unbelievably hot, boring, and stressful this month. My mom and dad have also been going back and forth to Jacksonville at least twice a week to the Mayo Clinic to try and get some answers about what is wrong with my mommy's digestive system.
It's so frustrating because all the doctors have said she is in perfect health from what all their tests show (which is some sort of relief because at least we know she isn't dying), but obviously she doesn't feel perfect at all. She gets these REALLY bad stomach cramps, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, and sometimes vomiting that seems to come out of nowhere after she eats. But the doctors at the Clinic swear they won't stop until they have an answer for us, which is comforting.
What's been on the news lately about our President? Uhhmm, let's see, his teleprompter broke during a speech he was giving in defense of his economic stimulus plan on Monday. The audience was made up of administration officials, mayors and urban policy experts. Obama, being the super cool guy that he is, just apologized for the malfunction, laughed it off and continued to finish his 11 minute speech using his notes and text in front of him. He's pretty damn smooth.
Of course right winged media tried to make it into more than what it was. They tried to suggest that President Obama was stupid because he needed a teleprompter in the first place, and uses one for all his speeches. Well, I've got news for them: EVERY President, VP, and major dignitary giving a speech uses a teleprompter. It's been that way for quite sometime now. While we're on the subject of right-winged malice, let's talk about Sarah Palin's comments on Obama's energy plan.
Palin said, "The plan is an enormous threat to our economy." Yeah, because a plan that is going to help create five million new jobs is bad for the economy. As an added perk, within 10 years America will save more oil than we currently import from the Middle East and Venezuela combined. And by the year 2012, more than 10% of the U.S.'s energy will come from renewable sources on this plan. Palin's slamming of Obama's energy plan is obviously another one of her attempts to try to discredit anything the new administration does. I wish Republicans were able to see the bigger picture, but they rarely ever do.
My Twitter News: Purely For Your Entertainment
This redneck truck driver (she said her and her husband are both truck drivers in her bio) lady named Tammy, sent me an @ reply in response to my support of Obama as our President. She said that Afrobama was a failure and come 2012 his ass is going to be booted out of there (I presume she means the White House). Anyways, I of course busted out laughing, and when I went to her page she had a bunch of racist, ignorant, and ultra religious updates on it. Figures. I laughed almost as hard as when Young Republican Leader Audra Sigler Shay, attacked me via Twitter earlier this week. Shay is the 38 year old (gotta love a party that considers 38 young) new Young Republican Chairman.
Shay has recently been in hot water for agreeing with a blatantly racist comment left on her Facebook page by one of her friends. See the comment, her response, and read the story here: When I conversed with Shay she not only put down our President, referring to him as B. Hussein Obomber, she also said her party protects America from the Muslims. When I asked her what she had against people of the Islamic faith, Shay responded, "Remember when they flew planes into buildings?"
Yeah, I was speechless at her ignorance too. Anyways, her account was mysteriously deleted the nest day (She had many other heated debates going on on her Twit page, so I am not surprised she closed it down). She only had 29 followers lol. As disturbing as comments like these are in the 21st century, I must agree with my friend and fellow blogger Arthur: "Views like theirs can only help further the Democratic Party." Most people already think that Republicans are ultra conservative, ultra religious, racist, irrational wingnuts to begin with.
Along with crazy Conservatives, there has also been a lot of lash outs against Debbie Rowe on Twitter. Michael Jackson's ex-wife who in 2001 signed away all parental rights to the two children her and Jackson had together, Prince and Paris, is fighting for custody of them now. She signed away the rights to the children and was paid $10 million by Jackson as part of the deal. Once you sign away your rights you can't take it back.
In a 2005 ‘Fox TV’ interview, Rowe commented on her role as a mother. "My kids don't call me Mom, because I don't want them to. They're not — they're Michael's children. It's not that they're not my children, but I had them because I wanted him to be a father. " So why is she fighting for custody if the kids don't even know her as mom? She said had it not been for MJ asking her to have his kids, she wouldn't have had any because she didn't want to raise children. People are so hot and cold. I think she is back to see how much more money she can get.
My guess is that the courts will honor MJ's will and let the children stay with his mom. This is a high profile case, so if the court goes against the will then you will undoubtedly have people asking, "Then what's the point of me having a will if after I'm dead the courts will just do what they want with my possessions and kids anyways?" Jackson acknowledged he purposely wrote Rowe out of the will and that he wanted his children with his mother. He also said his estate is to be split between his mom and his children. If Rowe gets the kids then their portion of the estate will have to follow them, and Jackson made it clear in the will Rowe was to get nothing. Courts are also leery to split up siblings sets too. Rowe has no claim to Michael's youngest child Blanket, so for her to take her two would split up the family. I'm with my friend Ebony on this one: "Debbie just needs to slither back under the rock she came from and leave Mike's family alone."
Now, this is just me being a total bitch:
(After I found her Twitter I had to say this. She left the door wide open. Hey, after what she did to me I deserve this one.)
personal jab at an ex friend of mine: people refer to you as tsunami because you're a giant wave of failure. Just thought you might like to know. :) No wonder your parents don't even want to come to your wedding.
1 comment:
Hey hon! Im sorry you're not feeling so hot. Med changes can be heck on earth, LOL~:) tC, Love you! xoxox.
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