Chivalry is a term related to the medieval institution of knighthood. It is usually associated with ideals of knightly virtues, honour and courtly love. Chivalry started out as an ethical code in Medieval Europe. It was the honor code of the knight, having such primary virtues as mercy towards the poor and oppressed, humility, honor, sacrifice, fear of God, faithfulness, courage and utmost graciousness and courtesy to ladies. Today though, the terms chivalry and chivalrous are used to describe courteous behavior, especially that of men towards women.
I understand that we have come quite a ways since the Medieval Times and the Knights of the Round Table, but should good conduct and respect have to die off with them? Also, if women are proclaiming that they are equal to men and want to be treated the same as men, then is it contradicting to expect to be showed special treatment? I don't think it is, even though some may disagree on the merits of this being a 'modern' society so we shouldn't have to be bound by traditional ethics.
I, however, think that a woman can still be expected to be treated with courtesy and respect AND be able to hold her head high and be counted among men, because let's face it, women are never truly, fully going to be seen as equals in the eyes of men (even if Hillary Clinton becomes President). The reason is because, well, we're women and they're men. History has already kinda sealed our fate as always being a little lower on the totem pole and a little less capable than men (even though we work just as hard as them ad are just as smart). With that being said, women may as well go ahead and try to have our cake and eat it too.

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