Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Put A Lid On It Bitch.

It really irritates the hell out of me when people use words in incorrect ways or give them negative connotations; for example, words like gay and ghetto. I hate how people use the word 'gay' as an adjective to describe something that they is stupid or lame. The definitions of gay are: either meaning light hearted, merriment, and cheery or referring to a male who experiences a sexual attraction toward other males. Nowhere on this planet does the word gay mean 'lame' or not cool; so stop using it that way! It's ignorant. It's offensive. Why do people do that? That really bugs me.

And I also hate when people use the word 'ghetto' to describe something that they feel isn't upscale enough or up to par. First off, if you're gonna use the term, let's use it right. This word has had many different meaning throughout history. However, most people don't even know what it means or the word's origins. Ghettos were originally the sections of European cities to which Jews were restricted to. It was often sealed off with walls, barbed wire and armed guards, preventing people from entering or leaving.

Today, it is commonly defined as a section of a city occupied by members of a minority group who live there because of social restrictions on their residential choice. Let's be real, today it's a segregated mode of living and working for an ethnic group (usually Black or Hispanic) that results from biases and stereotyping where the people are forced to live in an area that's in slum condition. However, even when people are forced to live in degrading conditions, some of the best cultural phenomenons can come out of ghettos, like the Harlem Renaissance and hip-hop.

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