I am so super pissed off right now! I can't believe that the camera person I reserved a month ago to record my college's senior thesis defenses just cancelled at the last minute-which because of this stupid ass fucking group project shit is gonna probably hurt my grade. Let me take a minute to take you back so you can understand what I'm talking about here. Okay, so my college (even though it feels like fucking high school sometimes) makes all seniors do a senior dissertation and then defend it in front of a panel of random ass professors and their peers at the end of the student's last semester at the school (and no, I am not a M.A. or Ph.D. candidate. Just a regular B.A. candidate). I swear, we are the only damn institution on the planet that makes students write a dissertation for a freaking rinky dink B.A.! I mean, going to that college should be enough trial and tribulation to warrant the damn school handing over that piece of paper! So not only do I have to write a senior dissertation but I also have to do 10 hours of community service AND do a group project that contributes to the defense process.
For example, there was a group that was in charge of the hospitality shit ( submitting the invitations to the panelist and refreshments), a group for publicity (invite members of the school and community to come watch. yeah, things are pretty fucked up at my college), a group in charge of doing a video diary (something like MTV's Real World Confessionals), so that we can get each student's thoughts on their time at the college. Oh, and there is a group that was in charge of video taping people presenting and defending their dissertations to the panelist (this was my group and I was so happy that I was lucky enough to be chosen as the team captain:} SARCASM ALERT!). So, my camera person called and canceled, but thankfully I was able to get in touch with one of my instructors who is going to help us borrow a camera from the college's library so we can still save our grade.
Oh, and did I mention that neither I or ANY of my group members know how to use the library's 20+ years old camera? I am already sick to my stomach now. Not to mention that I have to be at everyone else's defense in my department this week (the political science department only has 13 people graduating this semester-I go to a small Christian college of about 2,900 students). This means that I will be getting to school at 8AM every fucking day even though my first class isn't until 11:40AM. I live an hour away from my university so that makes it doubly suck:/ I just want this week to be over. Someone pray for me please, seriously<3
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