Damn it. He didn't call back. Whatever. At least he called me last night...but he said he would call tonight too:/ Ok, I'm done talking about guys for awhile and trying to decipher they're crazy ass behavior. It's pointless really. Moving on now, so you might want to know what I did on my first official day of not being a college student (even if you don't want to know I am still gonna tell. lol! Aren't I great!?). I actually slept most of the day and then got up and got dressed just to go buy these cute little white sandals with heels that are going to make great beach and halter-top- matching sandals. They have flowers and rhinestones:)
Anyways, today I called and officially deferred my internship until the fall term of 2009. The reason is because I am: 1. not in the right mindset to graduate college and then rush off to D.C. to start an internship on Capitol Hill all in less than 3 weeks. I need a break (and I mean more than just a kit-kat). I want time to decompress and enjoy not being a college student for awhile. I want a free summer; something I haven't had for the past 5 summers. At least in the fall I will get 15 weeks instead of 10 to be in D.C. and enjoy the atmosphere. I will also get more scholarship money:) Probably even a free ride, which equals all $5,860 paid for in full by the Federal Government. I just hope that I don't go stir crazy from being in skanky Lake County knowing that I could have been in D.C. lol. But I know that I am making the right decision. If I hope to land a job from this internship I can't afford to go up there already burnt-out. I need to be rejuvenated and at my best.
I am currently working on my application to American University and George Washington University. I have decided that I need to be in D.C. At a time where the first African-American is serving as President of the Free World. What history! That is something I'll be able to tell my grand kids. Not only was I alive when the first Black man was elected President but I lived in the nation's capitol city while he was serving. I am such a dork I know lol. But I am really excited. Oh, I have decided that I want to study public policy and Law in grad school. Wish me luck on my applications! I once thought I would like to stay in Florida and go to UF where my momma and like all her family have gone, but that was before I made the decision that I really want to be involved in politics.
And today I was just thinking how it's kinda funny that basically all those kids who either made fun of me in school for being smart or a little plumper than them, or the ones who didn't like me because I am Black, betrayed me, or the fake people who just quit speaking to me for no reason but still found it necessary to talk behind my back, or just the average haters; they are all pretty much losers now. I am not usually the one to be all high and mighty or think I am better than anyone, but it always works out that when you make fun of someone else or point out flaws in others while ignoring your own you always seem to fall shorter than them. I guess no one told them that...until now. When I say losers I mean they either flunked out of university and are now back at a community college, got pregnant prematurely, are in a bad relationship and living with their parents, had to move back home because of major money issues, have been arrested, or just became alcoholics and obsessive partiers working dead end jobs by day. Either way I win. I'm single, young, educated, getting ready to graduate college in less than ten days, and I have a great internship to look forward to in a place out of this dead town. So the moral of the story is, don't put down others for not meeting your own superficial standards, because one day the same person you look your nose down at might just wind up making fun of you because you're a loser.
Bitch, I'm like the ring leader. I call the shots!
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