In other news:
The Obamas' dog has finally arrived at the White House. It is a six month old Portuguese Waterdog. The dog was a gift to the Obama girls from Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts. They named it Bo ( because the First Lady's late father's nickname was Diddley. Get it? Bo Diddley). The Obamas are actually the dog's second owner. When his original family could no longer afford to care for him, Senator Ted Kennedy (who owns two Portuguese Waterdogs himself) found the dog a new home with the Obamas. That is so sweet! I am glad that they didn't use a breeder, but instead rescued a dog. Here are some pics of the Presidential pup and his new family:)

Get Along Lil' Doggie:
Moving on now, I never really understood doggie doors. I mean, I understand the logic behind them but why anyone would want to own one is beyond me. It's not just your dog that has the power to come in and out of that thing...I know people who have had raccoons, stray cats, snakes, big spiders, rats, and other dogs not theirs come into their home through those so called innovative little doggie doors. lol.
Hey, Do You Remember?:
Flying kites as a kid? I used to love that. Back then, the weekends were made for bicycle riding, cartoons, rollerblading, badminton, and kite flying. I have wonderful memories of being a kid and flying beautifully colored kites with tails and ribbons on then just as long as the kite itself. Sometimes, the kite would get stuck in the branches of the tall maple tree in our front yard and my dad would have to go up and get it and he'd be swearing the whole way up lol. "Damn it, why can't you kids fly these things over in the clearing?!" lol. Good times. My father is a real sweetheart though. He is one of those people who complain about just about everything and it's so funny to hear him, and what makes it even funnier is that he has no idea of how funny he sounds lol. He lives in a house with all girls and no guys except him. So yeah, we drive him a little batty. lol. He would do anything for his girls and his wife though. A real family man.
Anyways, I don't want to start to just ramble aimlessly (it is pretty easy for me to get to that point lol), so I am going to sign off and write more probably tomorrow. If I feel like it I might go and finish this environmental science extra credit project that I have been meaning to do. I just can't really bring myself to do it because it's 'extra' and I have a bit of senioritis right now. I also defend my paper next week (April 22) so I should start practicing for that too. See how you got me rambling again lol!
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