Texas Governor Rick Perry is suggesting that Texas secede from the U.S. because of taxes?! Well, it's not exactly like we didn't see this type of fuckery coming, I mean the President is Democratic and Black. Heaven knows that those things alone strike fear and terror in the hearts of old, greedy, conservatives, but put them together and it's all too much to bear!
On Wednesday, April 16, many 'tea' parties took place around the nation from people protesting the new taxes and stimulus plan. Anyway, at one anti-tax tea party that took place in Texas, Gov. Rick Perry fired up the crowd with his shoutings against the federal government, President Obama, and the stimulus package. He also claims that Texas' economy is in 'fairly' good shape as opposed to the rest of states in the nation (uh, I guess that's what he calls a jobless fund that is facing a $447 million deficit) and that Texas could secede if it wanted to. He actually encouraged it. He said that Texans would eventually become so fed up that secession would become an actual option. As Perry was giving his speech to his 'Patriots' as he called them, crowd members were holding signs deriding President Obama and the Federal Economic Stimulus Package all while shouting, Secede!
Those tea parties looked like freak shows. Everyone in America has the right to protest, but unfortunately, they also have the right to be stupid as well. The economic stimulus package is part of a plan to stimulate the economy after what the Bush Administration did to it. $786 billion is no chump change, I'll admit; but the President is doing what he feels needs to be done. We as a nation need to come together and back our President and our Government at this crucial time, as opposed to bickering and . The other option (what conservatives are calling for), is for the President and his team to sit back and do nothing and try to wait it out, while more of the American people lose their jobs and more banks and businesses go under. These 'tea party' attendees are hoping for the economy to 'miraculously' turns itself around. lol! Like, that's going to happen. This is not a 'natural' little downturn in the economy, this was caused by 8 years of negligent spending and irresponsible regulation of big business. People seem to forget the fact that climbing out of a deep hole is a hell of a lot harder then digging it and jumping in!
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