Sunday, July 26, 2009

CNN Celebrity

Last night during Don Lemon and his panelists' very frank discussion on race relations in the United States (an issue bought up by the Cambridge Cop and Harvard Professor situation &Black In American 2 ), one of my Twitter tweets on the subject was aired and read on live TV!! I was so psyched! My face and my response was on TV lol. I look even hotter on TV;) Anyways, afterwards I got some weird @ reply from some prejudice bastard calling Gates a crackhead and saying the cop had every right to arrest him. Yeah, his reply only further proved my point about racism in America. I just wanted to share. I'm weighing in again on the subject tonight. Maybe I'll get a second chance to be CNN famous;)

1 comment:

babyhellfire said...

Ha ! Your famous :) that is awesome