Saturday, March 7, 2009

Bumming Out

So here I am on the second to last day of my Spring Break (and the eve of daylight savings Gabby loses an hour of sleep) and I am writing about how I am more than a little bummed about my GRE score: 760. I will obviously have to take it again, but not for awhile. I need to refuel. The study books and prep classes and CD-Roms don't do shit to prepare you for what is on the test. The math is especially crazy. That was like astronaut one knows that stuff, except astronauts that is. It wasn't even math you learn in college classes. On well, it was a good experience and I now know what to expect next time. I also should get started on this damn senior dissertation I have to write to fucking graduate. I am pissed about that. Clearly, they have confused a B.A. for an M.A.

It's Bike Week here in Florida and the roars of motorcycle engines revving up can be heard for miles around. I hate Bike Week. A lot of people would argue that it is good for the economy and brings tourism to the area. Like we need more tourists lol. This is Florida people. Mickey Mouse and Shamu bring all the tourism we need. And let's not even get me started on NASA at the Cape. The Space Program is almost as worthless as Bike Week. I am so glad that President Obama is not funding it past 2010. It is a giant waste of billions of tax payer money. There is nothing out there...that is why it's called Space. We can't live out there and there is nothing useful out there. Earth is the only planet humans should be concerned about and maintaining. Who knows, spaceships are probably partly to blame for destroying the ozone layer and global warming...all that bad fuel they burn entering and leaving the Earth's atmosphere. It's not like the Government would have admitted to it since their the ones who have been funding it.

Anyways, Bike Week brings the undesirables to town. Skull heads. I know that sounds stereotypical but it really is true. Not all of them are like that but however most of them look like they came straight out of a Hellraiser Biker film. Not at all pleasing. Bike Week is also dangerous and a lot of them get killed or cause wrecks and alcohol is involved 9 times out of 10. The city allows, EVEN welcomes Bike Week each year but discourages Black College Reunion. No one usually dies, it doesn't last a whole week but just a weekend, and it used to bring in as much as Bike Week before Daytona started trying to do away with it and other surrounding cities began to follow suit. Clearly, race is the underling factor here. Oh, and white college spring break is still welcomed with open arms too.

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