Monday, May 18, 2009

Well, it's Monday here

Well, it's Monday again here folks. But hopefully it is also Friday night somewhere else lol. Anyways, the day has been dreary and it's not even 9AM yet. It's been raining and pouring and lightning and storming. It's like that song by The Carpenters, "Rainy days and Mondays always get me down." Today it is indeed both a Monday and a rainy day. In fact, it stormed just about all yesterday too. Bad weather seems to play on my anxiety issues too; sucks the energy and motivation right out of me. Also, I am missing my bestie Bea terribly, and I am beginning to be really rather angry at how far apart we are in miles. Damn it, I want her here! Sometimes I really wish I had a genie in a lamp like Aladdin lol.

Anyways, I got another early morning text from Oto this morning (Oto my Nigerian kinda ex. Kinda ex because I never really considered us dating for those 5 days to begin with. Clearly something else was going on in his mind though). This is really becoming pathetic. It said something to the tune of "How r u this morning? Hope u r not offended of me sending you text now too. Take care." Saturday I had to tell him that the calling 10 times a day was very annoying and inappropriate. And homefry had the nerve to get pissed when I didn't always pick up the phone or call right back. I swear he has all the early characteristics of an abuser. I have no idea what the hell they do in Nigeria (and frankly, I don't wanna know) but what I do know is that shit like that isn't going to fly over here in America. I just wish he would disappear and go back to the Motherland.

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