Sunday, May 31, 2009

Holla Back Girl

What the hell does Gwen Stefani mean by a holla back girl anyway? I never really understood it, but I figured it would be a nice title for this blog since I am hitting you back to update you on my progress since this morning's yucky panic episode. (*side bar: My friend Tiffany is going to a No Doubt concern this month, a she has seats very close to the stage. Maybe I could ask her to see if she can ask Gwen what exactly a holla back girl is, since everyone else keeps giving me different and crazy answers every single time I ask.)

I am writing for the second time today (the first post being about my panic attack early this morning ), and I am feeling way better than I was when I posted Panic With Me Please. I am still not feeling 100 but I'm well on my way there. I feel a little jittery now and have some muscle soreness and tightness, but nothing too horrible *Gabby keeps fingers and toes crossed.* Anyways, today was nothing to write home about; pretty uneventful. I just slept until about noon (the day after a bad panic attack I always feel so damn drained still), got up and checked some shit on the Internet, had a late lunch at about 3PM, spoke with boyfriend and my friend Tiffany via my lame-ass 2002 cell phone (I broke my awesome pink slider phone back in November and I can't get an upgrade until July 27, 2009, so I am stuck with a cheap one I found new off of Amazon), and then I took another nap....lame. I then got up at about 6PM and went with my mom to the grocery store five minutes from our house. We bought stuff to make dinner with along with fruit, microwavable snacks, juice, eggs, and sandwich meat. For dinner we had turkey burgers and salad:) So yummy!

Moving right along now, I have decided that I love Twitter more than Myspace. Twitter is way more interactive and advanced. I love talking to all the people and I have met way more cool peeps on there than my Myspace. I will probably begin to use Myspace less and less and Twitter all the time; wait, that has already happened though... Anyways, I think that Lebron James is such a little bitch for not shaking any of the Magic players' hands last night and leaving the arena without saying anything to the media. When asked about it today he said he was too angry and upset to be a good sport. People need to get it together and quit acting like babies all the damn time. It's just a damn game and your ass is getting paid millions of dollars whether you win or lose, so why the fucking attitude?! He needs to be mad at himself for the way he played last night contributing to his team's loss.

I'm also going to need people to quit hating on President Obama for no reason at all or for dumb stuff. One of the latest attacks on him is because he flew his wife to a Broadway and out to eat in New York City. He said he was keeping good on a promise he made to her while they were on the campaign trail. He said he would take her to see any Broadway show she wanted when everything was all done with. Why is that so bad?! Why is it wrong when a man puts his family first? People are saying he is all flash and no substance and that he is wasting tax payer money for ALL of his extravagant getaways. He didn't even take Air Force 1 for crying out loud! I can count twice he has used his resources for personal things and there was no business involved in it, whereas Bush used to fly home to Texas or go on hunting expeditions like every other weekend when he was President and no one said anything. If you want to attack a politician then attack them on their policies, not petty ass things regarding their personal life.

I think that is all I want to talk about for now. Off to bed soon. Gotta go and look for a summer job again tomorrow. D.C. Fall internship, hurry on up and get here already!


Annie D. said...

wow, comprehensive post! So glad you're better tonight. Give yourself good acknowledgment for that. I agree about Obama, and I'm trying to learn more about basketball. Thanks for the post!

bumblebea said...

Well, I am sorry to hear about your panic attack. But lame days are still days that you are alive, so count your blessings! I know that is not always what you want to hear, but it's the best thing I can say at the time (Really sorry about your panic attacks) My phormer psychatrist(I make the most lame word plays...) suggests some form of meditation in addition to your medication. It worked for me (and I didn't have medication)...Hopefully this will help.

Love you Babe