Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Because I Kinda Sorta Really Despise You A Lot of Times

Dear Realistically&Socially Disconnected,

You have absolutely no reason at all to complain about anything that goes on in this house, because for one, you don't really do anything. You didn't finish school on time because you were afraid of failing?!? Wtf?! You go to high school out of a box!! I have tried to be as patient as I can with you, but your constant whining and complaining and bitching when you think something isn't done perfectly or the way YOU want is way past irritating. As a matter of fact, it's down right infuriating. You are beginning to suck the life right out of people around you. You lack motivation for whatever reason and you take it out on others. I think it's sad that you take pride in shooting down others' ideas and things that bring them happiness. You merely exist vicariously through the TV, musical geniuses, Internet fashion, and Twitter; never having your own thing to be proud of. You use every excuse known to man and then some for why you can't get out into the real world and live your own life. You are pathetic and you don't care. You are never grateful no matter how much someone does for you. You have become a first class curmudgeon and I have decided that you and your older sister are equally as unpleasant, just in very different ways. So congrats on being the loser of the week.

Yours Truly,


Annie D. said...

way to go, don't take shit. you're awesome. when are you going to say this out loud, or have you?

bumblebea said...
