Sunday, June 7, 2009

Nacho Girlfriend...Not Anymore At Least

So, after a huge fight via phone last night, over him being so demanding and me apparently being a liar, I broke up with my boyfriend of one month. I was feeling so liberated and free all the way up to 11:30AM this morning, which was when I noticed he had called and left a message. Now, I was extremely surprised to see that he had called, because after last night he told me that he didn't want to hear from me again. He said he was done and wasn't go to call me again...ever. I figured we were over and done with after last night's conversation. Him never speaking to me again lasted all of, oh, 10 hours (unfortunately). Anyways, I called him back when I saw he called (partly out of curiosity about his sudden change of heart and partly because if you don't answer that asshole keeps calling. I swear he's like a stalker sometimes).

When he picked up he then told me that he didn't call (I obviously knew he was lying because it said he called at 7:11AM on 6/7/09). He then asked me why I broke up with him? Let me remind you that last night he told me that he didn't want to hear from me again and that he was done with me (I was like, are you suffering from amnesia buddy?). I broke up with him because I couldn't be the girl he wanted me to be nor did I want to. I don't have sex until marriage, and I sure as hell am not going to do it with you after knowing you for only a month. Hello, I'm 22 and still a virgin. So you thought I waited for 22 years to do it in one month?! I also don't like someone else trying to raise me. My parents taught me what I need to know as far as manners, behavior, mores, norms, etc. Kthxbye!

I also didn't like the role he gave his friends in our relationship-they went way beyond just being supportive of their friend. They like always tried to intimidate and guilt trip me into giving in to their friend's (my boyfriend's) desires. Really weird, and as creepy as it is lame. Obviously, me being the strong-willed bitch that I am, I fought tooth and nail with my boyfriend and his friends over it. NOBODY pushes me around and tries forcing me to do something I don't want to! Bitches. I don't conform for any relationship either. He then begins to tell me how I misread his intentions and words and how he didn't say or do anything that I was accusing him of (typical guy shit). I am definitely not a fan of the crazy making tactic (a tactic abusing men use to try to make a woman feel as though her claims and accusations are made up and imaginary-just all in her head. They try to make you think that you are crazy to say what you are saying and you have no legitimate complaint. It's a way of controlling you).

By this point, I had already heard enough and was about to introduce him to my new man Tone (dial tone that is), until he said that he feels like we were meant to be together and I can't stop fate. Huh?!? He asked me when was I coming to see him. I was obviously like never. He then preceded to tell me that we HAVE to be in a relationship and weren't meant to be broken up. He said that I am his angel and I can't just walk out on him like this and that I HAVE to be with him. He said that is friend who was a pastor said that me and him are soul mates. He also said it was God's destiny for us to be, yea. God must have forgotten to give ME that message.

Now I was pissed, creeped out, and finna get real rude on his ass. I told him EVERYTHING I thought of him, his friends, his crazy ass beliefs, his language, his country, his courting practices, and his place in relation to me. You wouldn't have wanted to be on the receiving line of the stuff I was saying-trust me you really wouldn't have. I then hung up the phone and said we were done and don't even think about trying to get back together with me. I hadn't been that angry in a loonnng time. But that's what happens when you keep pushing someone; you eventually push them away. After that major fall out I totally understood why I had shied away from relationships for so damn long. Must I always meet the crazies?!

Anyways, my ring bases finally came in yesterday (although she shorted me one *ugh!*) and I got to make some really cool and cute rings:) My momma is going to go sell some for me at her school tomorrow. The teachers really like them. They buy them for their little girls to wear, and they weare them themselves sometimes lol. I make Kawaii jewelry. I don't know if I mentioned that before. I am signing off now and going to bed soon. Oh, Pookie, our family's new Chihuahua, is an absoulute doll and I so love her!

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