Friday, June 5, 2009

The World Doesn't Owe You Anything

I am so sick to tears of people's pissy ass mood swings! I am sorry if your life is ubber sucking right now dear, I really am, but don't take it out on me. Newsflash: you have got no one else to blame for your short comings but yourself. So why don't you quit moping around like a bitch ass pussy loser and start trying to solve whatever problem you have and repair the relationships that you have near ruined with your stank ass attitude. No one should have to walk on egg shells around you to keep you happy. This crazy world we live in waits for no one. You have to take the initiative and get serious and change what you don't like about your circumstances yourself. So if you were waiting on someone to come up to you and pat you on the back and say in a goo goo baby voice, "Awwww, what's the matter little girl? I'll fix all your problems for you and make all perfect again since I feel so bad for you," you're going to be waiting a long damn time missy. And if you think that people are going to kiss your ass to keep your spirits up, you're dreaming again. Life lesson: The world doesn't owe you a damn thing; it was here first!

1 comment:

bumblebea said...

Wow what is going on? Call me tomorrow after 4 missy!