Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I have been so disgusted over the recent killing of late-term abortion doctor, George Tiller. Tiller was gunned down in Wichita, Kansas at his church, where he and his wife were ushering, Sunday morning (May 31). And keeping true to coward nature: the gunman then fled. Tiller was one of the few doctors in the country who provided late-term abortions (A late-term abortion often refers to an induced abortion procedure that occurs after the 20th week of gestation. However, the exact point when a pregnancy becomes late-term is not clearly defined. Some sources define an abortion after 12 completed weeks' gestation as "late." Some sources define an abortion after 16 weeks as "late").

Tiller had been providing this service to women in need for over 3 decades. In his over thirty years of practice he had been threatened, protested against, and attacked numerous times. He was shot in an assassination attempt on his life in 1991. Tiller's Women's Health Care Services clinic is one of just three in the nation where abortions are performed after the 21st week of pregnancy. The clinic was heavily fortified and Tiller often traveled with a bodyguard, but was no indication of security at the church Sunday. Even the President was disgusted. President Obama said he was "shocked and outraged" by the murder. "However profound our differences as Americans over difficult issues such as abortion, they cannot be resolved by heinous acts of violence," he said.

Scott P. Roeder (the gunman) faces a charge of first-degree murder and two counts of aggravated assault. Roeder, 51, made his first court appearance this afternoon in Sedgwick County District Court. Scott Roeder has been charged with one count first-degree murder and two counts of aggravated assault in connection with the George Tiller shooting death. Roeder also was ordered to have no contact with the two men he is charged with pointing a gun at after Tiller's shooting on Sunday.

This story is tragic because of two reasons: 1.) it was political in nature, and 2.) various people publicly said that they agreed with Roeder's actions. Watching these ignorant, back woods, hickish, uneducated, slimy, trashy, self righteous assholes made me sick. The Kansas residents that they interviewed immediately following the incident said that, "Tiller reaped what he sowed," "he was a murderer who got what he deserved,""he needs to burn in Hell," "I'm glad he was killed for having taken so many lives," and all this other hateful and crazy crap. One of the men had like only 5 teeth for goodness sake's! These people who said these horrendous things are lower than dirt!

First off, no one has the right to take a life because of someone's political views. It's very sad, but yes, abortion is no longer an issue of a woman's personal health, but rather a political issue. Second, late-term abortions are usually only performed for health reasons. When the life of the mother is in immediate danger or she's facing a miscarriage, that is when late-term abortion becomes an option. A woman just doesn't waltz in the door of the clinic at 8 months and say something like, "I don't think I fancy having this baby anymore, and I'd like one of your doctors to take care of it for me please." No! That is not how it happens. Having a late-term abortion is a heart-wrenching decision for any woman and her ob/gyn to have to make. Late-term abortions are not done by free will people! Women have to have legal paperwork from their doctor and state government stating that it needs to be done in the best interest of her health in order to get a late-term abortion. So all of you ignorant know-nothings need to go back to school or crack open a damn book and learn something before you speak!

And what got me is that it wasn't just people who were uneducated, trailer trashy losers saying this stuff, there were people with law degrees in nice business suits saying this type of stuff too! Public officials were saying things like, "both the gunmen and the good doctor are equal because they have both got blood on their hands." I wonder where their degrees came from?! Probably from the local city college. Fucking lemmings. Tiller was providing a legitimate medical service to clients no different than heart surgeons and fertility doctors (wait, these "righteous" people are probably against fertility doctors too...). And all us Christians know that to hate, side with assassins, and say you hate someone and you're glad someone is dead is so Christian. These same morons are the ones who are avid supporters of the death penalty. Go fucking figure!

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