Friday, June 19, 2009

PETA, Please

So PETA is jumping on the President for swatting a fly during an interview for CNBC at the White House this past Tuesday.

The group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (better known as PETA) wants the flyswatter in chief to try taking a more humane attitude the next time he's bedeviled by a fly in the White House. PETA is sending President Barack Obama a Katcha Bug Humane Bug Catcher, a device that allows users to trap a house fly and then release it outside."We support compassion even for the most curious, smallest and least sympathetic animals," PETA spokesman Bruce Friedrich said Wednesday. "We believe that people, where they can be compassionate, should be, for all animals."

First off, I wish someone would inform PETA that a fly does not qualify as an animal, but is actually an insect ( ). Second, PETA is getting almost as bad as these anti-abortion nuts bombing clinics and killing abortion doctors. They are bullies who can't see past their own beliefs. PETA has pulled some pretty disgusting and horrifying stunts over the years to try to protest cruelty to animals.

Throwing paint, flour, and animal blood on people wearing fur, protesting a dog show while dressed as the KKK ( ), and making an offer to buy the abortion clinic of the slain doctor Tiller so that they could transform it into an animal cruelty education centre with billboards out front that say, "Pro-Life? Go Vegetarian" and "Pro-Choice? Choose Vegetarian," are just some of the most "notable" and recent stunts by this group of uneducated, blind-sighted losers that claim to be a special interest group ( Attacking and hurting people because they are different and doing it in the name of "what is good and right" must be a great life to lead-something like Klansman and homophobes. What I wanna know is, when did tomorrow night's dinner become more deserving of compassion than your fellow man?

Third, PETA kills animals too. Oh yes, this is a little know and ugly fact that the people of PETA would like to keep under the radar. From July 1998 through December 2008, PETA killed over 21,000 dogs, cats, and other companion animals. PETA is a business just like any other which means they care about the bottom line, which is profits. PETA has a $32 million annual budget. But instead of investing in the lives of the thousands of flesh and blood creatures in its care, the group spends millions on media campaigns telling Americans that eating meat, drinking milk, fishing, hunting, wearing leather shoes, and benefiting from medical research performed on lab rats are all “unethical.” To put it mildly, they're hypocrites. They have even been investigated by the government which is how records of their killings and neglect of animals became public early last year. AND for all you uneducated non-believers out there, I am going to post some links at the bottom from scholarly sources, news coverage, and other media sources to prove I am not making this up. Why don't you read up on it?

Now, I am not coming down on PETA for wanting others to care about animals. I am an avid animal lover. I have had numerous pets over the past years (all of them we kept until they died of natural causes, or we fostered them and then found them good homes), and as of right now I own 3 cats and a dog. I also volunteer at my local cat protection agency with over 500 cats (a no kill shelter for homeless cats and kittens). I am coming down on PETA for their priorities being so messed up and trying to point out "cruelty" against flies when they don't have room to talk to anyone about how to treat animals until they start treating the ones in their custody better. It's pretty obvious that they are on the wrong path when they assert that you can't be an animal lover and eat meat too. Please, that's like saying someone can't love nature because they have a house made out of wood. It's because of crazy statements like, their own hypocrisy, and stunts like the one they pulled on the President that eat away at their credibility.

Other information against PETA:

1 comment:

fai said...


Ok, like I don't usually have a problem with people's choice of what they want to eat and all. A lot of veggies and peta-like people are stuck up and bitchy.

But I just hate how they made this cooking mama spinoff game on their website about how turkey eating is bad and all this crap. Lord have mercy >.>